September 20, 2010  | On Today's Program Obama's latest progressive appointment Progressive hero Elizabeth Warren has been appointed to an all new consumer protection agency. Perhaps it was another one of those honest mistakes by the President, but this appointment is yet another enemy of capitalism who appeared in Michael Moore's “Capitalism: A Love Story” movie to say that capitalism has failed and it's time to rewrite these rules. Now she'll have that power. And if she is not given real power, progressive leaders say there will be “hell to pay”. More on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) ALSO: Check out the latest Blaze Mix video: Top 20 Pro-Socialism Obama/Obama Admin Sound Bites. Coming in at #20… VIDEO "endowed with certain inalienable rights..." President Obama finally decided it was high time to go to church, perhaps feeling the heat after his personal PR firm (Newsweek) said he needed to go to church if for nothing else as a political prop. Just days earlier, Obama foreshadowed this spiritual resurgence when he recited the Declaration of Independence and actually left out “Creator” from one of the most famous lines in all of history. Glenn has more on the new, spiritual Obama on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) She's a witch! Establishment guns are still blazing trying to do anything to take down Christine O'Donnell. The latest attack is a video clip (so secretive it was originally aired on a national television program) where she talked about how she dated one of these witch freaks in high school. This of course means she's crazy and has cries of “She's a witch!” coming from the media. Glenn responds to the latest O'Donnell attack. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip)  Dems target Tea Party The President is reportedly mulling the idea of taking dead aim at the Tea Parties during the upcoming election season, according to the New York Times. The White House is now pushing back saying that the story is 100% inaccurate - but The Times has stood by the story and refuses to issue a retraction. Here's the story from the New York Times. De-develop America? Science Czar John Holdren was asked about controversial comments he penned in a book that America should be de-developed. Holdren responds by saying it's a 'stale topic' to talk about, yet he has never explained what his turning point was if he indeed changed his opinion. Glenn plays the audio of Holdren being asked about it. When he senses he's about to be immortalized on YouTube, he deftly blurts out 'free market' in defense. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) From THE BLAZE: Progressive blogger calls Glenn the White Malcolm X - STORY Don't let the memory of 8/28 fade: Get the pictures from when Americans took a stand to restore honor and restore America in the 8/28 Photo Book. Pre-order your copy now to be sure to get the first edition, which ships in time for Christmas. INSIDER EXTREME: Czar-at-Large Brian Sack makes his triumphant return from wherever he was to once again hold Glenn accountable. Not exactly sure for what, but nevertheless the only Glenn Beck Program Czar has the week that was Glenn exclusively on Insider Extreme! Plus check out this week’s programming schedule of what’s to come HERE. Not a member? Sign up now. Tonight on TV: More on the latest anti-free market presidential appointee, and what the left means by 'de-developing' the United States. Don't miss Glenn at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel. |