September 13, 2010  | On Today's Program Koran controversy: Glenn returns from vacation and responds to the bizarre request from Pakistan's Ambassador to the United States that Glenn should denounce the planned Koran burning. It's bizarre for a couple reasons: 1) Why Glenn? and 2) Glenn already denounced it. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) About those death panels... Proponents of the healthcare bill flatly denied claims that death panels would be inevitable under Obamacare. But the simple fact of the matter is there is not enough government money floating around to pay for everything they are trying to pay for. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Piven Video Frances Fox Piven, the living half of the infamous Cloward-Piven radical duo, said in a video that she has 'respect' for non-violence. But how does she feel about violence? She's against it - unless of course it's a big part of your strategy as a protester. Ohhhh, that makes total sense! Glenn has the audio and reaction on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Get the full video at The Blaze.  Firm Reliance When our Founders wrote about faith it wasn't a meek, “Hey, we should believe in God”. To the contrary it was a strong proclamation "with firm reliance on divine providence". Yet so many times historians brush past that little detail. Glenn talks about the difference between mere faith and a firm reliance on divine providence on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) All the money in the world You've heard that phrase before and in America's case all the money in the world wouldn't make much difference. The national debt stands at about $13.4 trillion, but add in unfunded liabilities and you have well over $100 trillion in debt. Assuming America could get her hands on every single piece of existing currency on the planet, all the cash... would it be enough to pay off our debt? Glenn has the answer on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Insider Extreme Announcement: Huge news Insider Extreme members! On Wednesday September 29th, Insider Extreme will premiere: Restoring Honor: 8/28 the Documentary. This full length documentary features backstage footage, interviews and exclusive access to Glenn! We made history on 8/28, now let’s relive it on 9/29! Everyone can check out this FREE clip of the announcement on radio today. Not a member? Sign up HERE. Tonight on TV: The latest pathetic media attack on Glenn: exploiting 9/11. Glenn responds tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |