September 16, 2010  | On Today’s Program Establishment losing their grip The tribe has spoken - voters are revolting not just against Democrats, but establishment politicians in general. And they still don't get it - Christine O'Donnell is now being attacked from all angles, while virtually no one has paid any attention to her general election opponent. Glenn has details on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) Elmo wants to redistribute wealth Your government hard at work - they've enlisted the help of Elmo to push for redistributive change. The FCC is using children, saying all kids should be connected to the Internet and not that crappy dial up. Elmo says he's tired of buffering, so he needs free broadband access! Watch the video from The Blaze. Classic government waste: Want to make $108k per year watching the news? Just call President Obama! Glenn has the details in this free video clip. WATCH Glenn offends caller Last night on TV Glenn showed how the media is cherry picking pictures from Tea Party rallies and other conservative rallies to try and paint the attendees as out of the mainstream. Glenn's advice: put away the costumes. One caller takes exception and Glenn explains why the change must happen. Check out the call with this FREE Insider Extreme clip, and get Glenn's explanation here: Transcript, Insider Audio. UPDATE: Glenn Beck baselessly tells audience not to wear costumes when 87% of his wardrobe is constitutional or patriotic garb - SEE THE DAMMING PICTURE EVIDENCE.  8/28 Photo Book To ensure the spirit is never forgotten, we are putting together a keepsake book that tells the story of 8/28 through pictures. While many of the pictures were taken by George Lange (Glenn’s photographer) others were taken by ordinary people who put their lives on hold to come to the mall that day. Pre-Order yours now! Want to see exclusive 8/28 photos now? George Lange took thousands of pictures in the days leading up to 8/28. We sorted through all of them for the ones you would like best and put together something extra special. Check out Insider Extreme for access to a brand new behind the scenes video. Plus on September 29th, Insider Extreme will premiere the full length documentary titled “Restoring Honor: 8/28 the Documentary”. Check out the trailer HERE. Not a member? Sign up now. Michelle Obama: Being first lady is 'hell' It must be tough being the first lady in a country you haven't been proud of (until they elected your husband President). Michelle Obama reportedly told the first lady of France that her job is like 'hell'. First lady is a job? Get the full story HERE. Want to see Glenn this weekend? Find out where he will be HERE. TV Tonight: Glenn talks about the choice America faces using what he knows best: pie. Don't miss it, tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |