September 10, 2010 On Today's Program To burn or not to burn... Obviously the answer is DO NOT burn, but the misguided pastor in Florida is still considering going through with his promise to burn Korans on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The pastor is demanding the Ground Zero mosque project come to a halt in order to stop the Koran burnings. The press is starting to get it and are promising to NOT cover the burning if it does happen. Here's the full story from the AP. Glenn and Sarah in Alaska Glenn and Sarah Palin are appearing at an event this Saturday, September 11th in Alaska. Not surprisingly, the media is going out of their way to try and find something wrong with the event. This time they are complaining that the tickets actually cost money to purchase. Apparently it's against liberal law to charge money for tickets on September 11th - The Blaze has more on the conjured up 'controversy' surrounding tomorrow’s event. STORY  Trump offers to buy site of proposed GZ mosque Donald Trump has stepped to the plate and made a cash offer with an 'immediate closing' date to buy the site of the proposed Ground Zero mosque. The Donald says he's making the offer not because he loves the property site, but for patriotism. He claims he wants to put an end to the controversy and avoid the inevitable endless bickering if the mosque is built. Get the full story HERE. Insider Extreme: Insider Extreme has more Glenn than you can possibly handle! Catch up with show archives, watch exclusive, original documentaries, study up with Beck University, see the 4th Hour with Stu & Pat, get behind the scenes footage and so much more! Glenn is back on Monday with a special Insider Extreme announcement. Not a member? Sign up now. Takebacks: The Treasury Inspector General says 50% of homebuyers have to repay tax credit. Why? Because nearly 2 million taxpayers claimed the credit for homes purchased in 2008 -- the credit was only good for 2009. More will have to repay if the home is not their primary residence within 3 years. Ah, government. STORY Romer out, more of the same in... President Obama is filling the oh-so big shoes of Christina Romer with another one of his Chicago intellegencia buddies Austan Goolsbee. Goolsbee has worked closely with Nudge author and regulatory czar Cass Sunstein - and just like Cass he treats Americans like lab rats and likes to 'shape' their behavior. Get the full story on the latest economic genius in the Obama administration. STORY |