September 8, 2010 On Today’s Program Glenn weighs in on Koran burnings Glenn has tried to unplug and take a break from the news, but the headlines today make that pretty difficult to do. Glenn takes a moment during his vacation to jot a few thoughts down about the Florida church who announced plans to burn copies of the Koran on 9/11. Read what Glenn has to say HERE. Priorities: Michelle Obama hosting dance party @ White House Maybe this is a new age way to jumpstart the economy, but more than likely it’s just another idiotic PR move by this administration. With the economy in the tank and getting worse, hosting dance parties probably isn't the best idea. But this is just the latest in a long line of White House partying - McCartney, country night, jazz night, Latin American night. For an administration supposedly concerned about Americans, their actions certainly don't show it. Get the full story HERE. Harry Reid: I had nothing to do with bad economy... STORY  Christie to Obama: treat people like adults Chris Christie keeps saying he has no interest in running for President in 2012 and that may be true. But because this man just oozes common sense, more and more people are hoping he takes a crack at it in 2012. Here is an interview from Fox & Friends where the New Jersey Governor gives Obama a piece of advice on dealing with the economy. WATCH Insider Extreme: Just because Glenn is on vacation doesn’t mean you can’t get your Glenn fix. Check out the latest programming schedule for Insider Extreme this week HERE. Libs staging counter 8/28 Rally Outraged at the effort to 'Restore Honor' to America, liberal groups are gathering their members and taking a trip to Washington in October. And what better way to battle honor than by featuring Charlie Rangel? (Not kidding, he says he'll be there). MSNBC host Ed Schultz is trying to pretend this is his rally, but it was originally planned by the NAACP who will be joined by SEIU, the AFL-CIO, Green for All (Van Jones group), La Raza and others. They claim that this rally is in no way a response to 8/28 and would have happened anyway – BUT they started planning this event waaaay back at the end of July (yes, July of 2010). It's sad. Really, really sad. Get more info from The Blaze. |