September 15, 2010  | On Today's Program Last night was just the beginning... Big Tea Party wins for candidates in both Delaware and New York over establishment Republicans - and the GOP is freaking out. They just cannot believe they are losing these primaries to people who literally have come out of nowhere. But they still don't get it - they are seeing the establishment slipping away and instead of realizing their mistakes, they are doubling down. Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) The Roots of Obama's Rage Dinesh D'Souza wrote an article in Forbes magazine that caught Glenn's eye. It's about the way Barack Obama thinks and why he does the things he does. The article was just a slice of what's in his new book coming out in three weeks titled The Roots of Obama's Rage. It's a fascinating look into what Obama believes and why he believes it - all derived from Obama's own words! Glenn spoke with Dinesh on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) The interview lasted the entire 2nd hour of radio – Insider Extreme members can watch the rest of the interview ON DEMAND. Good news for BP? Just when they thought there was no way a company could be more hated -- the federal government comes along with a huge bailout. Glenn has the details in the latest Beck Talks video blog.  WSJ: Glenn Beck, Progressives and Me Ron Pestritto, professor of politics at Hillsdale College and author of Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism, wrote a great piece about Glenn and progressives in the Wall Street Journal. It's about the deep debate going on right now about the history of progressives and the contention that progressivism seeks to destroy what the Founders originally created. Check out the article HERE. 8/28 Photo Book: Glenn talked with photographer George Lange on radio today about an 8/28 Photo book that is being created. George has the photos from Glenn's experience, now we are looking for the pictures and stories from YOUR 8/28 journey. Please send us your photos HERE. Check out Glenn’s interview with George from radio today to get more details ( Transcript, Insider Audio). The 8/28 photo book is now available for pre-order. Get the details HERE. See Glenn speak: Glenn has a few speeches coming up this weekend, if one is in your area stop on by. He'll be at Clemson University, Trine University and in Chicago. Get all the info HERE. INSIDER EXTREME: We all know George Washington is the father of our nation, but did you know he almost joined the British Navy as a teenager? Watch our new mini-documentary “The History of George Washington” for a crash course in the life and times of our first president. Plus on September 29th, Insider Extreme will premiere the full length documentary titled “Restoring Honor: 8/28 the Documentary”. Check out the trailer HERE and check out the programming schedule for this week HERE. Not a member? Sign up now! Tonight on TV: Why the Tea Party movement should be happy, but not content - tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |