September 23, 2010  | On Today's Program Can you feel that? Obamacare kicks in today Ahhh, and all the medical issues in America vanish just like that! As if this needed to be pointed out, big new changes courtesy of Obamacare begin today. Look for Obama administration officials to wait a good week or two before they start claiming America's healthcare system is now perfect. Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) Private insurers feeling Obamacare pain: Glenn explains how Obamacare is pummeling insurance companies and causing less access for children in this VIDEO CLIP. New Stu Blog: Greed is illegal? Stu takes on the new Wall Street movie – BLOG. Be sure to follow Stu on Twitter and Facebook for updates. Want some carrots to go with those fries? The Governor of Illinois took exception when Glenn slammed Michelle Obama and her quest to rid your menu of french fries. Apparently the governor is cool with the first lady telling him what to eat - but he simply cannot fathom that other Americans might object to that notion. Instead, he goes right to the standard political attack: Why doesn't Glenn Beck want healthy kids? More on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)  GOP's Pledge to America Glenn feels the pledge falls flat in that it doesn't have anything really bold besides repealing Obamacare. That's a no brainer - but the bill also calls for government to return to 2008 spending levels. How about returning to 1808 spending levels? Glenn goes through the pledge on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) On The Blaze today: - Obama heckled at Manhattan fundraiser - STORY
- New Food Rules: A guide to your government regulated diet - STORY
- New Ad: Fiorina slams Boxer's 'say Senator' demand - STORY
8/28 Photo Book: People keep asking what the message of 8/28 was. Instead of telling them, we thought we would SHOW them. We have over 12,000 photos from that week and we are putting the best of them in a book that will show what Faith, Hope and Charity look like in real life. Pre-order yours now. Now playing on Insider Extreme More “Liberal Lies”--was Bill Clinton impeached over sex? Watch the new mini-documentary about the liberal spin on President Clinton’s impeachment and learn the facts for yourself. And next Wednesday (September 29th) “Restoring Honor: the 8/28 Documentary” will premiere at 7pm on Insider Extreme. Not a member? You are not going to want to miss this full length documentary - sign up now. Tonight on TV: Wouldn't it be great if politicians treated Americans like adults? What that conversation would look like happens tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |