September 1, 2010  | On Today's Program Gunman at Discovery Channel building... The nut job that reportedly took hostages today at the Discovery Channel building in Maryland was apparently an environmentalist who wanted the network to change their programming away from what he called a 'pro birth' agenda. Here is the latest info on the alleged gunman. STORY Introducing The Blaze As if Glenn doesn't have enough on his plate, he thought it'd be a good idea to pick up the slack for the mainstream media and start a brand new media platform. The latest is The Blaze (, a site for news and opinion that's dedicated to covering all the big stories and the stories the MSM are neglecting, spinning or not understanding. It's off and running with great stories already - check it out HERE and listen to Glenn preview the site on radio with this FREE Insider Extreme clip. Obama refuses to credit Bush As the President hands security over to the Iraqi people, he just cannot bring himself to say anything nice about President Bush. Something like 'the surge that I opposed actually worked' would be nice, but it's not happening. Glenn plays the audio of Obama then and Obama now on the surge. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) Caller takes 40 day 40 night challenge Glenn talks with a gentleman whose eyes were opened to the lies he was telling himself. One thing in particular, leading up to the 8/28 Restoring Honor Event, jumped out at the caller - find out what it was by listening to the conversation from radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip)  Ed Schultz has audience envy Ed Schultz apparently has some serious audience envy because he's now puffing his chest and saying he could also draw half a million people to the mall in DC. Perhaps Ed should try getting that many people to turn on the TV in their homes, on their couch before he attempts to make them get up off the couch and hear him speak about how people can't make it without government help. Watch the clip HERE, plus Stu & Pat have more on the 4th Hour - available to Insider Extreme members only. Glenn's Back from 8/28: Glenn has talked about the importance of keeping a journal, because history is being MADE. Glenn has more in the latest Beck Talks video blog, and check out more of the thousands of pictures being sent in by fans who were there and this video montage. Stu Blog: The Statistics of Whitey. Be sure to follow Stu on Twitter and Facebook for updates. Another Obama radical This time the radical is in the Department of Labor and her name is Dolores Huerta. She is a legend in the labor movement, has praised Hugo Chavez and Cuba, and has even said Republicans "hate Latinos" to an audience of school children. She has also denounced capitalism and says the suitable alternative is, of course, socialism! Your taxpayer dollars are paying her salary. Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Now playing on Insider Extreme The final Beck University summer class will premiere TONIGHT at 8pm EST: Charity 103 with Professor James Stoner. Plus now available for members only: Our latest mini-documentary "The History of Divine Providence" and tomorrow at 7pm don't miss the encore replay of America's Divine Destiny. Check out the full programming schedule and what is coming up HERE. Not a member? Don’t miss out, sign up now! Glenn on the road again: If you live near Mohegan Sun, New Orleans, or Dallas - good news! Right now there is an exclusive Insider ticket pre-sale for the latest Bold & Fresh Tour dates happening in your neck of the woods! To get all the information click HERE. Public on sale begins this Friday at 10 am local time. Tonight on TV: More on the latest radical in the Obama Administration, and the coming economic earthquake - don't miss it tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |