September 24, 2010 On Today’s Program Christie domination continues Governor Chris Christie, a fan favorite of many to run for President in 2012, added to his seemingly endless barrage of video clip moments that amount to nothing short of conservative porn. This time Christie confronts a heckler in the crowd. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Need More? Check out this VIDEO from The Blaze on Chris Christie’s top 12 greatest moments. Joke: Colbert testifies before Congress It'd be one thing if he had a serious issue that he cared about, but Colbert is testifying in character and completely wasting the time and money of the American people. Glenn has more on the story on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Ayers dissed by... a Kennedy? The Board of Trustees has decided not to give Ayers emeritus status at the University of Chicago. Aw, bummer Bill! And one of those denying Ayers was a Kennedy. Why? Glenn has the details on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)  Unlucky or Marxist? Is President Obama the unluckiest President ever? Seems nearly every one of his special administration appointments are Marxists. Glenn plays the highlights of Obama's unlucky Marxist streak in this FREE CLIP. Glenn is hitting the road: New dates have just been announced! See if he is coming to a city near you HERE. Insider Extreme: You haven’t even seen half of the amazing photographs George Lange snapped over the 8/28 weekend. We put together another beautiful collection of these priceless shots for you. See this touching and inspiring video on Insider Extreme. And don’t forget this Wednesday “Restoring Honor: the 8/28 Documentary” will premiere at 7pm on Insider Extreme. Check out the trailer HERE. Not a member? Don’t miss out - sign up now. Tonight on TV: Separation of church and state. That's a phrase that we as Americans have heard our entire lives. It's a phrase that's NOT contained in the U.S. Constitution. It's from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to Connecticut Baptists when they feared the government may get between them, and the way they worshipped. Tonight at 5 pm you will understand the meaning of that statement, and you will get to see history through the eyes of a woman who lived through the Nazi regime. |