September 17, 2010  | On Today’s Program Establishment still freaking out It's really quite something to see what happens when the establishment doesn't get their way. Christine O'Donnell is now feeling the full brunt of relentless attacks - with the slightest misstep by O'Donnell passing for evidence she is unelectable. Yet no one has brought up the fact that her opponent is a Marxist. More from radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) Happy Constitution Day! One can only imagine the festivities the White House has planned to commemorate the document that everyone loves. Well, almost everyone - the President did lament that it was a charter of negative liberties and that it didn't talk about redistribution of wealth enough. But other than THAT they probably love it. Dr. Peter Lillback, author of George Washington's Sacred Fire and someone who actually likes the Constitution, delivered the keynote address at Liberty University and focused on how we are losing our connection to one of the most brilliant and successful documents of all time. Watch it now - exclusively on Insider Extreme! Not a member? Sign up now to gain access. America can't do any better than this? There is a possibility that only 35% will turnout for the next election, and if that is the case Glenn says we (as a society) deserve what we get. If the issue of America being 'fundamentally transformed' into some sort of redistribution of wealth socialist utopia doesn't motivate people to get to the polls, what will? Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip)  War on Butter: Michelle Obama is using the cover of protecting kids to pitch for yet another reason to redistribute the wealth. This time, in order to save the kids from future fatness, Michelle wants restaurants to replace butter with carrots and apples. Glenn responds in this free video clip. WATCH Stimulus $111 million = 55 jobs Exhibit #222119983 that the stimulus was a complete failure: Los Angeles got $111 million in stimulus funds and produced a whopping 55 jobs. L.A. would probably be better off if they just randomly selected 111 people and handed them $1 million each. Get details on the stimulus failure HERE. Biden: Moderates need not apply to GOP A particularly funny claim coming from the party that is currently being run by far left progressives who are jamming things through that their own party can't agree on. Biden tries to play the left right game, but Glenn explains what is really happening on the ground. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) ALSO don't forget to check out: - New Stu Blog: NY Times reporter discovers origin of Tea Parties - BLOG
- School rocked by mosque field trip video of kids bowing to Allah - get the story at The Blaze.
- Moron Trivia makes its triumphant return to today’s 4th Hour with Stu & Pat only on Insider Extreme.
- Restoring Honor Rally: The media will distort its memory, make sure you have the proof: The 8/28 picture book!
- Want to see Glenn this weekend? Check out where he will be HERE.
TV Tonight: An incredible hour on how Jesus, Moses, Gandhi, MLK all led peaceful revolutions - featuring an incredible panel of guests including Alveda King and Rajmohan Gandhi (the grandson of legendary activist Mahatma Gandhi.) Tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |