September 2, 2010  | On Today's Program Pujols, LaRussa standing tall It's interesting to see those caught up in the left vs. right game completely miss when it's about right and wrong. People are actually lining up to bash Albert Pujols for accepting an award earned for putting God, family and charity at the center of his life. Controversial, right? Glenn talks about those who are now getting heat for appearing on stage last weekend and the courage they have shown. ( Transcript, Insider Audio). If you want to show your support for Pujols and LaRussa as they get flack - you can support the charities they are actively involved in. Key Obama ally works with Socialists for global tax Who is the ally working with socialists? So many socialists aligned with Obama to choose from and so little time - but Richard Trumka is the latest in a seemingly endless line of socialist radicals working for and with this President. Trumka is the President of the AFL-CIO and he's also an advocate for a global tax. Lovely. Glenn has more on radio today ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip). Read the full story at Now playing on Insider Extreme TONIGHT at 7pm EST be sure to log on to Insider Extreme for a special encore presentation of America�s Divine Destiny. If you couldn�t get a ticket to the Kennedy Center last Friday night, if you were in the car on your way to the Restoring Honor rally and couldn�t watch the live Internet broadcast, get the whole family together and watch it tonight. Plus, if you missed Beck University last night, all summer classes are available ON DEMAND. Check out the full programming schedule and what is coming up HERE, and be sure to follow the GBInsider Twitter account for programming updates and alerts. Not a member? Sign up for Insider Extreme now!  That lying liar Glenn Beck! Once again, the left has caught Glenn in a lie! This is the sort of desperation now spewing out from the left -- during the 8/28 event, Glenn mentioned that he had held some original documents from our Founding Fathers while visiting the National Archive. The left threw a fit saying that Glenn was lying because holding the documents is not allowed. Another distraction from the message, nevertheless Glenn responds on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) This guy gets it Out of all the media attempts to peg what the 8/28 event was all about, virtually none got it right. An unknown blogger wrote a short post that put the entire MSM to shame. The message of 8/28 was not exactly rocket science - so how the MSM missed it, is anyone's guess. Glenn reads the blog that hit the nail on the head on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Get Glenn's Faith Hope & Charity Tie: Observant fans may have noticed Glenn sporting a fantastic Faith, Hope, Charity tie on TV the other night - and now it's available for you to order. Find out how HERE. Caller tip: A caller alerted Glenn to a fantastic website that he wants to share with you. Glenn on the road again: If you live near Mohegan Sun, New Orleans, or Dallas - good news! Right now there is an exclusive Insider ticket pre-sale for the latest Bold & Fresh Tour dates happening in your neck of the woods! To get all the information click HERE. Public on sale begins tomorrow at 10 am local time. Tonight on TV: SEIU and other labor unions are planning a counter to Restoring Honor - Glenn has more on that tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |