| April 18, 2011 | | On Today's Program Happy National Charity day everybody! One step closer to collective salvation! Ok...so it's really just tax day. What, you aren't feeling charitable? Media continues inventing new terms for 'tax increase' ABC's Christiane Amanpour practically begged for higher taxes on "This Week" during a panel segment, but she of course did not use the term 'higher taxes' in her argument. Instead, she argued government should come up with 'revenue raising mechanisms' to fix the deficit. Thankfully, Congressman Joe Walsh was on the panel and called Amanpour and the rest of the media out for the ridiculousness and blatant hypocrisy on their overtly friendly coverage of Obama during the budget battle. Glenn has the details on where the media fell short on radio today - watch it HERE. Bill Ayers still doesn't regret bombings, says 'every great fortune involves a great theft' Ayers continues the rich progressive tradition of renaming things in order to make them appear not as bad as they really are. During a recent interview, he was asked once again if he had any regrets for bombing the Pentagon and other police and government targets. Ayers emphatically said 'no' and went on to explain that he didn't hurt anyone with his 'extreme acts of vandalism' towards the government. Ayers highlights the disturbing progressive attribute: the ends justifies the means. If progressives are okay with bombing to stop a war, what will they be okay with doing to stop Tea Parties and conservatives? Glenn has more including reaction to the Ayers' comment that behind every great fortune is a great theft. GlennBeck.com has the segment from radio HERE. Will Louis Farrakhan feel the wrath of Soros? Glenn got all kinds of heat from Soros funded groups for simply quoting Soros in his own words -- will Louis Farrakhan feel the wrath of Soros for his latest commentary about a 'little Jewish mayor' and the quote (n-word) President? No answer is necessary because it's evident Soros won't bother going after Farrakhan for his outrageous statements. Instead, he'll save his money for another phony grassroots action campaign against Glenn Beck. Glenn has the audio on radio today and reaction - get the details from GlennBeck.com! | |  | | Something missing from the office? Friday was 'National Steal from Work Day' The media has their sites set on attacking and blaming the Tea Party for the problems and possible future problems (like the debt ceiling battle) - but they've completely ignored radicals causing actual problems. Radicals like the leftist group who organized 'Steal from Work Day' which took place on Friday. The group asked some interesting questions: Does your boss work less and take home a bigger paycheck? Is someone flying a private jet at your expense? While arriving at the exciting conclusion: You only get what you take for yourself. Solution? Take cash from the register! Embezzle! Take stuff! This is the exact mentality of the leftists over the weekend who booed the national anthem and wiped their butts with the flag. But remember, it's those conservatives who are the problem. Glenn has more details on radio today. Glenn Beck is a thief! Or something... A conservative web site is making the claim today that Glenn is stealing material and not crediting the real brains behind all the success. Surely, this hit piece has nothing to do with revenge -- since the accusers were the ones who produced the James O'Keefe NPR story. The same story that The Blaze correctly nuked as being wildly taken out of context. And surely it has nothing to do with the truth - considering one of the main charges in the piece is that Glenn stole from Mike Opelka, a longtime friend whom Glenn pays to create content. But why worry about the truth when there's evidence from GoDaddy.com (not kidding)? Glenn responds to the sour grapes allegations on radio today. Watch it HERE. The Blaze also has more on the story HERE. Good news to everyone in America NOT named Keith Olbermann: SE Cupp is still alive. Has the has been anchor caught any flack for publicly wishing she was dead? SE issues her own 'Special Comment' in this FREE CLIP. Fatty Five Challenge Week 4 Update: Five hideous men try to get less hideous by losing 8% of their body weight by July 1, with significant financial risk
get the update in Stu's latest blog. 4th Hour: What Republican has expressed support for universal health care, abortion and a 14.5% tax on the wealthy? The GOP's leading presidential candidate, Donald Trump. Hear the jaw dropping quotes and find out why Stu and Pat refuse to take a commercial break on today's 4th Hour!Not an Insider Extreme member? Sign up now! Shocking coincidence: Just under 50% want to tax the rich more. At the SAME TIME - just under 50% pay no income taxes. Shocker! MSNBC makes the obvious point: Gee, the White House sure is going to like this poll, eh? Um - YES. Glenn's reaction and the full clip from The Blaze HERE. World Bank: World one shock away from global crisis As if the world isn't already in a severe economic crisis - the World Bank has announced if the world is hit by a major shocking event, big trouble lies ahead. Wow, what a bunch of fear mongers over at the World Bank, huh? What could they possibly be seeing that the rest of the media is completely oblivious to? Get the full story from The Blaze. TV Tonight: More news that Glenn was mocked for saying but now seems to be happening. The countdown begins - don't miss Glenn Beck tonight at 5pm only on Fox News! | | | | |
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