Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Congresswoman openly mocks U.S. Constitution

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April 13, 2011
On Today's Program

U.N. Treaty would give Mother Earth same rights as humans

Bolivia is drawing up a U.N. treaty which would give Earth the same rights as humans. These rights include but are not limited to life, pure water and clean air. This is a new attempt at an old U.N. desire: to impose global environmental regulations. Glenn reacts to the plan on radio today.

Congresswoman mocks Constitution (audio)

Just a few short years ago it would have been unthinkable to have an elected member of the United States Congress openly mocking the U.S. Constitution and those who support it. But that's exactly what happened when Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez appeared on a radio program and, in a horrible southern accent, mocked 'Moe' who thinks everything is unconstitutional. Glenn has the audio and reaction HERE.

Jihad Jams: The worst rapper ever?

A rapper who claims to be a part of radical Islam is enjoying 15 minutes of fame as his rhymes are making the rounds on the Internet. Hopefully this guy is as bad a terrorist as he is a rapper because it's quite possibly the worst rap music ever recorded. Glenn plays the music and reacts on radio today.

Did Glenn miss your town with his comedy tour? Now you have the chance to enjoy the show from the comfort of your own home. This Saturday at 8 pm ET we will be broadcasting the Albany stage show LIVE – available only on Insider Extreme. Get all the details HERE.

Rumors of War II: Rumors of War introduced you to the fanatical regime in Iran and the second installment Rumors of War II will take it a step further. Iran is now making more friends than enemies in the Middle East - get educated. See a sneak peek of Insider Extreme's next documentary HERE

Pelosi: Elections shouldn't matter as much as they do

A shocking (even for Nancy Pelosi) piece of audio from the House Minority Leader is making news today. She was recorded explaining that the GOP needs to 'take their party back' so that it doesn't matter who wins elections. That's not a ringing endorsement for establishment GOP -- it's an admission that they are all big government progressives. Their shared enemy? The Tea Party. Watch the segment HERE.


Voting closes tomorrow for the Time 100: Do your part in driving liberals mad. Vote for Glenn!

Author: Jesus was a drug addict

Judgment is reserved for God because only He knows what is in the heart of man. But sometimes man makes it pretty obvious to predict what their judgment will bring. For James Frey (yup, the guy who Oprah busted for writing a phony memoir) his judgment seems apparent after writing a book depicting Jesus as a druggie. Glenn has the story (and Pat has the judgment prediction) on radio today.

Obama's economic plan? More taxes!

Obama is getting a lot of heat from the uber left who are charging that Obama is moving to the 'center' politically. That should demonstrate just how far left this President really is - and if it doesn't, his latest economic plan should. Tax the rich MORE! Even though the rich already pay far more than their fair share. Get the story at The Blaze.

The Ohio Project: How is Ohio working to defeat Obamacare and big government progressivism? Get all the info HERE.

SE Cupp visits the Reagan Ranch: On the visit S.E. was allowed to shoot exclusive footage of her experience, capturing some of the majesty of Ronald Reagan's home and sanctuary. Insider Extreme members can watch the video available in the on demand tab.

Harry Reid: Out of context or not?

Glenn & Pat get into an argument on the air about a recent sound bite from Senator Harry Reid. Glenn is actually defending the Senator and believes the clip was taken out of context. Pat believes Reid wasn't taken out of context and it was just another Reidtastic gaffe. Early odds are that Pat is correct, given Reid's past. But Glenn would never defend Reid unless he absolutely had to. Watch the clip and decide for yourself...

Most transparent administration ever?

There is a report out today that thrashes the administration's boastful claim that they have a list of every visitor to the White House. Turns out that's not exactly true. There are hundreds of thousands of meetings, visitors, and information on visitors left blank or missing critical details. If the White House has no problem revealing that communists like Andy Stern and Trumka visit -- who are they hiding? More details HERE.

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