| April 22, 2011 | | On Today's Program Earth Day vs. Good Friday ... who wins? This year Earth Day landed on the same day as Good Friday. Which one of these holidays will get more coverage in the media? Ok, don't answer that. Earth Day is already off to a head start as kids are being indoctrinated and forced to sing songs about keeping the Earth 'wild' for the future of 'great- grandchild' among other ridiculous chants, including encouraging kids to boycott big businesses. Maybe they'll start with Apple, who was just named 'least green' tech company (even though Al Gore sits on the board). Glenn plays the disturbing indoctrination and responds on radio today. Classic Beck radio: Glenn's unforgettable Easter Essay set to Pink Floyd... So Earth Day is being widely celebrated, but what about the Creator of Earth? It would seem like a logical conclusion to give Him a little credit as well - but since that probably won't happen, Glenn's got it covered. On radio today, the story of Easter told only like Glenn Beck can tell it - and it's all backdropped by the music of Pink Floyd. Let Glenn take you on a journey in time all the way back to Biblical days, and hear the story of redemption in a way you will never forget. The most incredible moment in all of human history -- relive it HERE. Flashmobs of kindness It's in the spirit of grace that the flashmobs of kindness were organized, and took place all across the country on many different levels. Glenn anticipated you would do amazing things, and you didn't disappoint. People everywhere set out to make someone's day with a random act of kindness - everything you can think of from food to rides to clothes to toiletries to prayers. Check out the living proof as to why YOU inspire Glenn each and every day -- and why YOU are going to be the solution. Check out the fruits from yesterday's flashmobs of kindness HERE. | |  | | Geez, what's up with those fear mongers at CNBC, Business Insider, Politico, WashPo, Bloomberg Glenn is relentlessly mocked day in and day out. He's a fear monger. He's a clown. He's all doom and gloom. But why are people really attacking Glenn? Because one quick glance at the headlines and it seems news outlets are warning Americans about the very same things they mocked Glenn for sounding the alarm on. CNBC: "Killer Combo of High Gas, Food Prices at Key Tipping Point"... Washpo/Bloomberg: "The dollar, less almighty: Big investors see possible long-term currency weakness"...Politico: "Poll suggests deep economic pessimism". Gee guys, why all the fear mongering? Or could it be that Glenn was right... Mike Huckabee picks an unnecessary fight with Glenn...loses badly Former Governor Mike Huckabee took exception to Glenn's non controversial comments he made about the former governor, referring to Huck as a Progressive Republican. Huck didn't waste any time, taking to his own radio show and website and issuing a response that was filled with many holes and even outright lies. The attacks were so off base that Glenn responded on radio today - something he most likely now wishes never happened because (as the youth say) he got totally OWNED! Glenn's full reaction HERE -- and The Blaze breakdown of the big lie HERE. Rumors of War II: The Last days? Premieres this coming Wednesday night at 7 pm ET It's the documentary you cannot afford to miss. Get the details and trailer HERE. FREE Insider Extreme Special: Recently Insider Extreme had its 1-year anniversary and a special broadcast was produced for Insider Extreme members only. As a newsletter subscriber we have decided to show this special to you for a limited time for FREE - Czar-At-Large has a recap of the past 12 months and you will also get a look inside Glenn's NYC home as he sits down with four special guests to tackle the topics the mainstream media just won't talk about. You can watch this exclusive special HERE. Interview: Glenn chats with bestselling author Jason F. Wright You know him as the author of The Wednesday Letters and his new book is The Cross Gardener. Are there angels among us? Jason thinks so and tells us the inspiring story of a man touched by tragedy and a quiet stranger who helps him rediscover the joy to be found in life, love and family. Jason really wants to hear your answer to the question - so much so he (not kidding) gave his personal cell phone number out on the air. No joke - give him a ring. And check out the interview HERE. Glenn totally hearts Allen West - find out the latest reason why HERE. TV Tonight: The final episodes: Glenn answers all the questions the studio audience wants to know - don't miss a second of the final daily shows - tonight at 5pm, only on Fox! | | | | |
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