| April 15, 2011 | | On Today's Program New Tone? Olbermann wishes SE Cupp was never born There's evidence to suggest that Keith Olbermann is getting a little nervous as he sits alone, very alone, in his NYC apartment tweeting all day long. Nervous that literally no one cares about anything he says anymore - so now he's resorted to despicable rhetoric against women (again) to get attention. This time, SE Cupp was the target after she criticized Planned Parenthood during a TV interview. SE joined radio today and gave her first response to Olbermann's hideous comments. Watch it HERE. Obama: 'You think we are stupid?' Don't answer that. Obama was caught on tape saying what he actually thought about the budget negotiations: "I said you want to repeal health care? Go at it. We'll have that debate. You're not going to be able to do that by nickel-and-diming me in the budget. You think we're stupid?" Get the full story from The Blaze. America: It's time to dump Trump ABC News was shocked to learn that Obama was all too eager to talk about Donald Trump during a recent interview. They shouldn't be surprised - anyone pushing the ridiculous birther theory is a friend to Obama because it's the only issue The President wins on (and rightfully so) in 2012. What did Obama say about Trump? Get all the details from radio today. | |  | | Kansas City & Albany here we come! Glenn was off radio today (Stu & Pat filled in) for health reasons (he's ok, but had to see some doctors today) BUT he'll be on stage tonight for the 'Elegant Eliminations' Tour! Can't make it to the theater? Bring Glenn to your couch watch the final stop from Albany LIVE on Insider Extreme this Saturday night! Get details HERE. Check out exclusive photos from the road HERE. GLENN RETURNS TO TV TONIGHT! It's the Israel special that was originally scheduled for last Friday but did not air because of breaking news. Why is it critical to stand with Israel now? Do not miss Glenn on Fox News at 5pm! Father Pfleger & left turn on Obama What is the left hoping for? Will they not sleep until the Constitution is literally set on fire? What does Comrade Obama have to do to make them happy? Chicago priest and 'close friend' asked, 'Where is the man that I voted for?' and says he hasn't seen the real Barack Obama in a long, long time. Really? This is tame? What does the 'real' Obama look like? Audio and reaction on GlennBeck.com. Rand Paul defends Tea Party on Senate Floor Rand Paul gave a spirited defense of the Tea Party in the midst of a concerted effort by the left to paint Tea Party supported candidates as the big villain behind the budget battle. Check out Paul's 8 min speech courtesy of The Blaze. | | | | |
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