| April 11, 2011 | | On Today's Program Lib logic: Regulations needed to keep internet free George Soros hosted a conference this weekend and it was attended by pretty much everyone who has ever landed on a Glenn Beck chalkboard. The billionaire, politicians and other prominent activists plotted to restructure the globe, reform the media and 'free' the internet. The over the top moment came from Congressman Ed Markey - the 'brains' behind the Cap & Trade bill - who claimed the GOP wants to 'destroy the whole wide world'. And Glenn is the fear monger? Watch the comments and Glenn's reaction HERE. Glenn talks about his future with Bill O'Reilly The media and the Sorosphere (blogs run by Soros) have a delusional belief that Glenn's influence has somehow been diminished. Glenn responded to the ridiculous media reports in epic fashion (watch the classic takedowns HERE) -- and he spoke more about what his plans are for the future with Bill O'Reilly. Watch that interview HERE. | |  | | Communists protest at Glenn's comedy show Glenn is smack in the middle of his latest tour - the show is a comedy show that Glenn likes to call the 'elegant eliminations' tour and it's off to a tremendous start. But not everyone is happy - Communists showed up in North Carolina to protest Glenn's arrival. Commies generally aren't happy people, as evidenced by the tens of millions communists have killed throughout history, but they tried to liven this protest up with some catchy chants. All that did was further cement Communism's place in history as an EPIC FAILURE - get the full story HERE. Find out if Glenn is coming to your city HERE and check out exclusive photos and videos from the road HERE. Glenn's comedy show not coming to your town? We will be broadcasting the Albany stage show this Saturday night at 8 pm ET LIVE available only on Insider Extreme. You are not going to want to miss this show and now you can watch it from the comfort of your own home. Get a list of all the other features available on Insider Extreme and sign up now. FREE AUDIO STREAMING! Can't find Glenn in your local area on radio? No problem! Visit GlennBeck.com and listen to the radio program for free! Find out how HERE. | | If you were born before 1955 There's a secret website that could help you collect $653 per week in extra retirement income...without ever working. Former hedge fund manager and renegade Wall Street consultant reveals full details in a new video. Click HERE to watch it now. Sponsor Message | | | Media Matters embarrasses themselves yet again re: Beck For an organization that George Soros pays a LOT of money to (and 86 people) just to post a couple of blogs each day about 1 guy (and much of the time it's far less than a blog - they just post clips of Glenn with no commentary. Hey, isn't that stealing?) you'd think they'd have the basic facts down. Glenn has the audio of a MMFA dolt completely botching his Beck history, and proving MMFA's attempts to 'build talent' are off to a dreadful start. Get the full story at GlennBeck.com. Who is Glenn's 2012 fav? Glenn & Co go over a few of the 2012 possibilities for conservatives, which should be optimistic given the latest polls show less than 20% 'strongly approve' of Obama. But Obama has the approval of the most important constituency: the media. As long as they love him, it's an uphill battle for any opponent. Who does Glenn like? Find out on radio today. Uh Oh, Glenn has another T-shirt idea! It's what Ben Franklin originally printed on America's first coins. What was the slogan? Find out HERE. Jesus statue burned to the ground in Minnesota A man who was once persecuted in his native country just for being a Christian had his precious monument to Jesus burned down recently. Not surprisingly, the media is not exactly outraged (read: silent) about this one. But when someone draws a cartoon about Mohammed? Muslims are being discriminated against! Get the full story at The Blaze. | | | | |
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