| April 21, 2011 | | On Today's Program How can you show America that government isn't the solution? The easiest way to convince Americans that we don't need a nanny government to care for us from cradle to grave is to start fixing the problems ourselves. Be part of the solution - how? Take part in the flashmob of kindness that is happening TODAY. You can do it on your own or you can do it with a group. The goal? Random acts of kindness to those in need - whether it be strangers or people you know. DON'T FORGET to send stories, pictures and videos of your act of kindness to kindness@glennbeck.com! Happy Easter from the Communists New Zeal has posted the Easter message from the Communists. It gets off to a good start: "Easter isn't about Easter bunnies," the commie, who professes to be Catholic, writes off the top. But it doesn't take long for it to go downhill and downhill VERY fast. They refer to Jesus as merely a 'revolutionary preacher' who convinced 'some' of His disciples that He had beaten death. It only gets worse from there. Glenn has the full Easter message from the Communists and reaction on radio today. Check it out HERE. Ryan shouted down at Town Hall for supporting tax cuts The media was up in arms when a Tea Party member would interrupt a politician during the healthcare town hall events - which eventually led them to conclude that Tea Party goers were dangerous and violent. Mum's the word these days as the left shouts down any politician who dares advocate something crazy like lowering taxes. In this clip from The Blaze, Congressman Paul Ryan gets booed and shouted down for defending the current tax rates on the wealthy. How did Ryan respond? Glenn has the clip and reaction on radio today. More media nonsense: - Matthews mocks stupid 'conserves' for supporting Trump...STORY
- Did Michelle Obama really have a 'close call' on a recent flight? STORY
S.E. Cupp Show: Today S.E. sat down with noted academic and writer of Cool It - Bjorn Lomborg. Is global climate change the Armageddon that many scientists and politicians make it out to be? Or is there a way, even if climate change is scientific truth, that it can be handled in a rational and responsible manner that doesn't include pumping up hysteria? Check out this FREE CLIP to watch Lomborg and S.E.'s discussion. | |  | | Mass. sex ed site touts ease of getting abortions to kids It's like totally easier than you think to get an abortion! So says a state funded sex education website in Massachusetts anyway. The site stands by their advice to kids that encourages them to not tell mom and dad about getting an abortion (just go to Planned Parenthood, and they'll hook you up with a good lawyer) - but even more horrifying, the site paints getting an abortion as no big deal while warning that adoption can cause severe problems. Get the full story from The Blaze. Legendary ad man Jerry Della Femina: Obama is a socialist and I'm not letting him redistribute my wealth Legendary ad man Jerry Della Femina has sounded off on Obama. He says he decided that 'this country was falling in love with an attractive, great-speechmaking hustler/socialist,' adding 'I'm not ready to pay more tax money than the next guy because I provide jobs and because I work a 60-hour work week and I earn more than $250,000 a year.' He wasn't done there, predicting that America was headed 'for a disaster' financially. What does he plan to do? Find out at GlennBeck.com. Andrea Mitchell's fav news source: Al Jazeera There's a bizarre trend happening in the media and the White House: Al Jazeera is suddenly the most beloved television news channel. Forget MSNBC, Fox News, CNN - Al Jazeera is being touted above all others. Hillary Clinton slammed American news when she referred to Al Jazeera as 'real news' and top anchors are lining up to sing the praises of Al Qaeda's favorite TV channel. Why is ALJTV suddenly all the rage? Glenn explains on radio today. Rumors of War II: The Last Days? Coming up next Wednesday night April 27th at 7 pm ET - is the premiere of our all new full length documentary: Rumors of War II: The Last days? You cannot afford to miss this documentary. Watch the trailer HERE. TV Tonight: Show me the money! Who's America's #1 financial enemy? Glenn has the answer tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! | | | | |
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