| April 08, 2011 | | On Today's Program Episcopal Church: Global warming = the Crucifixion It's disturbing when churches seem to focus more on politics than God. That's exactly what the Episcopal Church did when their 'office of economic and environmental affairs' (does that sound more church-ish or more dot gov-ish?) released a statement comparing the theory of global warming to the death of Jesus Christ. Needless to say, Glenn had a few observations to make on this one - you can watch his reaction HERE. Glenn stages on air intervention Co-host Pat Gray reached a breaking point on air today. He just couldn't take the ridiculous, false, idiocy being reported in the media on the Glenn Beck/Fox News relationship announcement. As Stu pointed out - hoping for fair media coverage of Glenn/Fox News is like waiting for a unicorn that can hover. Watch the intervention HERE. Glenn & Co destroy false reports coming out of Fox News announcement: Watch the hilarious takedowns HERE. | |  | | Leadership: Obamas plan vacation If there was a looming government shutdown or if America were involved in 3 wars with Arab nations, then perhaps it'd be bad PR for the President to take a 'much needed' vacation. But that's not stopping Obama! Will he reconsider? While he mulls that decision, chaos surrounds him. Will the government shutdown? Glenn has more on radio today. The Masks are coming off - radicals are revealing themselves even MORE: - Andy Stern on checks and balances: Former SEIU chief and most frequent visitor to the White House Andy Stern is now speaking out against the system of checks and balances of the United States Constitution. STORY
- Dark Rhetoric: Nonviolence Is Not Always the Answer - American Socialist Leader Openly Calling for Revolution here in America says 'We Are Not Pacifists, Violence Sometimes Is Necessary.' WATCH
- Glenn's Reaction: Glenn goes through the incredible audio from left wing radicals plotting to overthrow the country. Why isn't anyone going after those organizing an armed resistance? Glenn goes off on radio today.
| | A secret website Wall Street doesn't want anyone OVER AGE 55 logging onto This 'underground' Internet site could help you collect as much as $653 per week in extra retirement income...without touching regular investments and without going through brokers and money managers ever again. Click HERE for details. Sponsor Message | | | Ground troops in Libya? Peace loving, President Obama promised that he'd never, ever consider putting boots on the ground in Libya. Looks like Samantha Power must be whispering sweet progressive lullabies into Obama's ear because there are reports now that boots on the ground in Libya is a possibility. Get the full story HERE. Glenn's comedy TOUR kicks off TODAY! If you are new to the program, you may not realize that Glenn's media roots are in comedy. Yes, Glenn was at one time the life, not the death, of the party. Find a tour stop near you -- including Chicago where seats are still available (Except for the two seats reserved for Barack Obama and his lovely teleprompter). Get tickets HERE! Can't make it to Glenn's comedy show live? Next Saturday, April 16th @ 8 pm ET we will be broadcasting the Albany stage show LIVE available only on Insider Extreme. Get all the details HERE. Picture of the Day: Glenn will be debuting tonight at the first tour stop The Blaze mascot
It could get ugly. Insider Extreme - Glenn Goes to Texas: You've seen the pictures of Glenn in the cowboy hat, but now is your chance to see the video. When Glenn went to Texas last weekend to kickoff his comedy show, Insider Extreme cameras were there to capture this unforgettable moment! Check out the video in the specials tab for a glimpse at Glenn's life on the road! | | | | |
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