| April 14, 2011 | | On Today's Program Obama says America sucked until 1965 President Obama's speech yesterday was like none given by any President in history. He actually admitted that he believes America was not a great country until several massive entitlements were put in place. This may seem shocking but is consistent with the apology tours, calling the Constitution a 'charter of negative liberties', and his wife saying for the first time in her adult life she's proud of America. Even given all of the America sucks history, it's still a shocking statement. Glenn has the audio and reaction on radio today. Stu has the details on Obama's America bashing in his latest blog. Christians fleeing Egypt since Mubarak's ouster It seems like yesterday Bill Kristol and the rest of the media mocked Glenn for being 'too pessimistic' on the peaceful, democratic uprising in Egypt. Now, it appears that (shocker) Glenn was right and Kristol was horribly wrong - Christians are fleeing Egypt because they are being hunted down and even killed by some radical Islamic groups. What happened to the 'peaceful' revolution that Kristol told Americans about? Glenn has more on radio today. | |  | | Glenn on Tour - What the heck is the 'Elegant Eliminations' Tour? Come see one of Glenn's live comedy shows going on right now to find out he has 3 more shows to go! Can't make it to a show? You can watch it LIVE on Insider Extreme! Sign up now to watch a live broadcast of the Albany stage show this Saturday, April 16th at 8 pm ET - get details HERE. Plus check out exclusive photos from the road HERE. Glenn interviews 2012 contender Rick Santorum Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum announced that he is taking the steps necessary to raise money for a bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Glenn has always had respect for Santorum - a man who proved he puts principles and values ahead of political expediency when he stuck to calling out Iran despite poll numbers indicating it was hurting him. Glenn chatted with Santorum as he ramps up for a possible 2012 Presidential run - watch the interview HERE. Last chance: Voting closes today for the Time 100 - Do your part in driving liberals mad. Vote for Glenn! | | Help Us Put America Back to Work With our current high unemployment and stagnant economy, it's imperative that our lawmakers stand up and protect American workers and jobs by mandating an employment verification system that will immediately put millions of Americans and legal residents back to work. Sign our petition and tell Congress to mandate E-Verify today! Sponsor Message | | | Obama's fresh new idea: soak the rich Obama never defined change when he campaigned back in 2008, and with good reason. He hasn't really changed anything. His big new idea to rescue the economy? More taxes and taxing the rich! Only the President calls them 'spending reductions' in the tax code. Progressives are good at renaming things, aren't they? (see: Kinetic Military Action, Overseas Contingency Operation, etc). The first victims: mortgage and charitable giving deductions. Yeah because only rich people utilize either of those. Needless to say, this speech prompted quite a passionate response from Glenn - watch it HERE. Why doesn't taxing the rich work? Here's the page you MUST pass around to help educate your tax happy friends. SE Cupp: How is this rebellious? SE crushes wannabe rebels who don't realize getting all their opinions from Jon Stewart and SNL is actually pretty lame, not original. Watch SE's take HERE. New Tone update: Dem strategist says Obama needs to start bashing GOP with a bat - STORY. | | | | |
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