| April 27, 2011 | | On Today's Program Obama releases birth certificate, holds press conference President Obama held a brief press conference this morning to address the ongoing (and completely ridiculous) birther issue. The White House released his original birth certificate and Obama followed that up by stating what most Americans already knew - that he was born in Hawaii. Obama said the nation has bigger, more important issues to talk about, saying he was 'puzzled and amused' that 'sideshows and carnival barkers' keep getting dragged on and on and on. He said America doesn't have time for this 'silliness' and it's time to move on. But will the hardcore birther crowd be satisfied? In a word: NO. Glenn, Stu and Pat reveal how the birther claims will be taken to the next level on radio today. PLUS: The birth certificate the President doesn't want Americans to see: LOOK Trump takes credit: 'I'm very proud of myself today' Is there ever a minute where Trump is not proud of himself for having enough money to own all the finest things? He constantly brags about his gold plated toothbrushes and platinum socks or what have you, but today was especially great in TrumpWorld because he (according to himself) was solely responsible for getting Obama to finally release his birth certificate. Trump said he was glad it was over - which is odd, because like 5 minutes ago he was saying his 'researchers' in Hawaii had found some damming evidence. What in the world is Donald Trump thinking? Glenn tries to get inside the brain that's covered by the worst rug in history on radio today. WATCH Watch the other hand! Fed holds first press conference in 97 years While Trump and Obama duke it out over birth certificates (and undoubtedly the press will chat about that all day long) - the rest of America misses out on something really important. The Fed is holding its first press conference in 97 years - that's especially profound today given the state of our economy and the role the Fed is playing in its continued demise. Why does the administration want America to miss the Fed's big conference today? Glenn explains on radio... Glenn interviews Rep. Ron Paul: Get his take on the Fed, the birther issue, his presidential campaign and more. Get the interview HERE. | |  | | Allen West heckled, but 'not intimidated' Allen West continues to show why he's a favorite choice for 2012 among conservatives - he's unafraid and will not back down. He was speaking recently when some protesters kept loudly interrupting him - he responded by calmly saying he will 'not be intimidated' and continued on. The saddest part of the protests? The lone voice was a failed Air America host. HotAir blogger Allahpundit summed it up best: "When the big dissident presence at a rally is a host from a defunct radio network, you've got yourself an optics problem." Get the full story from The Blaze HERE. Insider Extreme exclusive documentary airs TONIGHT Joel Rosenberg joined Glenn on radio today to preview Insider Extreme's latest original documentary: Rumors of War II: The Last Days? The chaos in the Middle East may appear to be about democracy or the economy, but there's much more than that - the chaos stems from deeply held beliefs that should frighten every human on planet Earth. Watch the interview AND check out Rosenberg's excluisve article on the threat Iran presents to Israel HERE. Do not miss the premiere TONIGHT at 9 pm ET get the details HERE. Not an Insider Extreme member? Sign up now you do not want to miss this documentary. The Blaze adds another big voice: As reported in Politico, "The Huffington Post isn't the only persona-based news aggregation site that can poach talent from the mainstream media. Glenn Beck's website, The Blaze, has hired syndicated columnist David Harsanyi away from The Denver Post." Get the full story HERE and check out his first column at The Blaze HERE. Atheist MSNBC host says Jesus wanted 100% tax rate Atheist Lawrence O'Donnell thinks he's being clever and undoubtedly believes he's trapping Christians in what he views as hypocrisy. The latest point on the O'Donnell express: Jesus would have taxed Americans 100% because he was for a progressive tax. It's painful to watch a non-believer attempt to use the Bible to prove a point, when it's evident they have no idea what they are talking about. Get the full story HERE. TV Tonight: What does courage have to do with you and the future of America? Glenn explains with a live studio audience TONIGHT at 5pm only on Fox News! | | | | |
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