| April 19, 2011 | | On Today's Program Obama's most spectacular flip flop to date President Obama said very clearly during the campaign that he would not use signing statements to subvert the authority of Congress. Now he's used a signing statement in order to ignore the Czar portion agreed to in the budget. Glenn plays the audio on radio today of 2008 President Obama vs. the White House's amazing statement, which almost seems as if they just hoped no one would bother to look into the matter. Fortunately, the press caught on to this one - Glenn has the audio of the blatant flip flop and a full analysis on radio today. Watch it HERE. Did President Obama pay his fair share of taxes? Tax information for President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden was made public yesterday. The President and the first lady earned $1.73 million in joint income last year while Vice President Biden and his wife Jill earned $379,000. That puts both the 1st and 2nd families in the dreaded 'wealthiest 1%' category - a group which Democrats endlessly lecture on paying their fair share. So, did President Obama and Joe Biden do their 'patriotic duty' and pay their fair share? Glenn went over the numbers on radio today - get all the details at GlennBeck.com! Obama gets testy with Texas reporter Usually calm, cool and collected, President Obama lost his patience with a Texas reporter after he got a little aggressive with the President. Obviously, the President is not used to this kind of treatment. Obama was clearly irritated and scolded the reporter at the end of the interview, demanding that next time he let him finish his answers. Is Obama just not used to tough questioning? Or was the reporter out of line? Glenn's response is guaranteed to confuse the already confused liberal blogosphere. You can get Glenn's reaction, the clip of Obama's outburst and read why The Blaze's Jonathon Seidl backs Obama on this one HERE. | |  | | Communist Van Jones: "I love liberty" Van Jones paid lip service to liberty, but admitted what he is really interested in is the 'justice' mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance. But his idea of justice is a little bit different than how Lady Justice dishes it out. Lady Justice wears a blindfold for objectivity so that no matter what race, gender, etc you are it doesn't factor into the decision. But Van Jones said (to thunderous applause) that we need justice for this group and that group -- quote 'Shift the Power! Shift the Power!' Lady Justice doesn't seek to shift power - just equal justice. Listen to Glenn play and react to the latest from Van Jones exclusively at GlennBeck.com. Why Trump won't run... and who the GOP will choose in 2012 The left is giddy that Donald Trump is currently getting loads of media attention - but in the end Glenn believes that Trump will not run. Early polls show Trump is trailing Obama by at least 15% - so it's doubtful that a business man such as Trump would dump millions of dollars into something that really won't benefit him all that much. But besides that, Stu lists the Trump views that prove he's more in line with Obama than the GOP. Glenn comments on Trump AND reveals who he believes the GOP will choose as their candidate for 2012. Who is it? HINT: He's progressive friendly. Find out HERE. | | The Truth About Resveratrol... And why the anti-aging ingredient found in red wine may not live up to the hype. This invaluable information will help you block the free radicals that age your heart, brain, and joints; rejuvenate aging skin, and more! Click HERE to view this life changing video. Sponsor Message | | | Caught Red-Handed: Blogger Nails Leftists Faking 'Populist' Protest - Get the full story from The Blaze. Want to join a flash mob? This is not a flash mob in the leftist anarchist sense - meaning there will be no destruction of property, looting, and so forth. Instead, this is a flash mob of kindness. This is an event Glenn has talked about for the last couple of weeks and it will involve doing random acts of kindness for strangers, troops, and whoever else you think needs help. It's all taking place this Thursday, April 21st - find out how you can be a part of something great HERE. Why is Weiner hiding? After staging an embarrassing failure of an investigation into Glenn Beck and Goldline, Congressman Anthony Weiner has been kinda quiet as Gold prices skyrocket. Will Anthony Weiner launch an investigation into himself for ripping Americans off by telling them NOT to invest in Gold? Get more from radio HERE. Elegant Eliminations: Did you miss Glenn's stage show Saturday night? With a unique mix of stories and stand up, Glenn showed you the lighter side of just about every situation. Glenn also shed some light on his upcoming plans as well as his motivations. Insider Extreme members can catch up with a special rebroadcast this Wednesday night at 7pm ET, right after FlashBeck. Even if you watched the show Saturday, the encore broadcast will feature a few special extras you haven't seen yet! TV Tonight: So much for 'signs of recovery' as America gets downgraded by S&P - what's that mean for the average American? Find out today at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! | | | | |
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