Wednesday, May 23, 2012

S.E. Cupp 'virtually raped' by inexcusable Hustler photoshop

Glenn Beck Newsletter
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May 23, 2012
On Today's Program

The Real War on Women: Hustler magazine's disturbing attack on S.E. Cupp
While the left continues to accuse the GOP of waging a "war on women," the left continues their non-stop attack on every conservative woman with a public voice. Today, in what Glenn referred to as one of the most disturbing attacks he's seen yet, Hustler magazine published a false and doctored photo of GBTV's S.E. Cupp performing a sexual act - calling it "a parody." If this was Michelle Obama or Nancy Pelosi the left would be up in arms. Mr. Obama, should we tell S.E. to be waiting for your phone call?

Tonight on GBTV (Watch live or on demand)

  • 5pm - Glenn Beck Program: Glenn profiles the 4 leading (and scary) candidates in Egypt - what will democracy look like? HINT: good, if good = really crappy.
  • 6pm - Real News: Egyptians head to the polls today to select their first democratically elected president – now, if only they had a secular choice. What effect will the results have on the West and Israel? That's one of the topics of discussion tonight on Real News from The Blaze.

Leftist Muslim & Glenn find common ground on GBTV: Tarek Fatah, a leftwing political activist in Canada, joined Glenn to discuss the threat of radical Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. If there is one thing liberals and conservatives should be able to come together on it's the fight against radical Islamists - WATCH.

From the 4th Hour: Was Romney responsible for a 100+ year old massacre? MORE

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Obama narrowly defeats "Uncommitted" in Kentucky primary
Did you miss the beginning of today's radio show? SHAME. ON. YOU. Thankfully, we have you covered. Glenn began with an EXCLUSIVE interview with rising political star "Uncommitted" who won a whopping 42% of the vote in the Kentucky Democratic primary. Who is this mystery man (or woman) and what is his (or her) political platform? Glenn gets to the bottom of it in this exclusive, no holds barred interview that leaves no stone unturned. Insert one more cliche here. EXCITING! MORE!

How can we accelerate growth in our country?
Glenn's proud to announce that he's opened the doors to something he's been working on for over a year: The Marketplace by The goal is to assemble the world's finest collection of unique small businesses. We don't just look for quality products; we look for quality people. When you read the shop's stories you'll quickly see that these owners are not consumed by profits, they're consumed by passion, integrity, hard work, and their families. Supporting these businesses means that you are often supporting entire communities that depend on them.

Obama Fact of the Day: Carney says Romney's credentials "deserve some scrutiny"
Today's Obama Fact of the Day comes courtesy of Press Secretary Jay Carney, who took it upon himself to attack those evil private equity firms.

Breaking News: Ann Romney… likes to ride horses
The Los Angeles Times released a truly groundbreaking piece of journalism yesterday that exposes Ann Romney's "passionate engagement in dressage." It should come as a relief that the newspaper was able to unearth this story before the November elections. After all, we wouldn't want a horseback riding First Lady.

America's favorite conservative doesn't gamble on the Stock Market Discover the (hush, hush) strategies he and the wealthy use to get rich.
>>Click Now to Watch the Presentation>>
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NBP: Obama owes us
So the New Black Panthers are back again with some of their violent, hateful rhetoric that the media loves to ignore – this time claiming that Obama owes them some favors because they helped deliver him into office. Get the audio and Glenn's reaction HERE.

Dinner & Studio tour with Glenn? Tim Tebow weekend vacation? Don't miss your chance to start bidding on some of the most exclusive items and experiences you'll ever find! Glenn's charity, Mercury One, is holding an online charity auction to fuel our mission leading up to the Restoring Love. Auction items include art, sporting experiences, celebrity visits, tours and more! Place your bid now.
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