Friday, April 29, 2011

Storms devastate - will you rise to the challenge?

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April 29, 2011
On Today's Program

Yawn: There was a royal wedding today

Prince William tied the knot today with Kate Middleton. Despite the fact that no one cares about this wedding, the news is wall to wall coverage of all the pomp and circumstance. Stu reports live from 'England' with stunning details that easily put him in line for a Pulitzer. Check out the report and Glenn's reaction from radio today HERE.

Storm devastation: How do we recover?

The images of the storms that have ripped through the southeast United States have shocked Americans everywhere. The devastation is incomprehensible. How do we get back on our feet? HINT: doesn't start with government. It starts with YOU. Will you be the people of 9/12 once again? Glenn issues a challenge on radio today.

Trump: Don't raise f'n oil prices

Presidential? Donald Trump is caught on tape talking about how he would conduct foreign policy with Saudi Arabia and China. Trump may be anti war, but he clearly believes in the power of the f-bomb. Glenn plays the audio of Trump's unique foreign policy strategy that is questionable, to say the least. Hear the audio on radio today.

Must be election season: GOP are suddenly racists again

One easy way to tell an election is approaching is when charges of Republicans being racist start popping up again. The latest ridiculous charge comes from CBS newsman Bob Schieffer who says there's a whole string of racism in these attacks on Obama. Glenn has the audio and response on radio today.


Indoctrination of our Children

Last Friday Rachel called into the radio program about an earth day rap that her six-year-old came home singing from school one day including the lyrics, 'Boycott, petition, let the big business know that if we mess it up here, there's nowhere else we can go.' Rachel and her daughter appeared on today's radio program – get their story and the plan to stop the indoctrination HERE.

Redistribution of grades? How do these students feel about giving some of their college credits to others? WATCH

What's the green economy look like? (pic)

Not only are NJ utility companies wasting hundreds of millions of dollars trying to comply with a green energy state mandate, they have drawn the ire of NJ residents. The panels are not only expensive, they are really, really ugly. One look at this picture and it's easy to see why people are angry- get the pic and details HERE.

Will Huckabee run?

There are reports out suggesting that Huck may withdraw his name from the pool of possible 2012 candidates. Probably a good idea because there is fertile ground for his opponents to mine-- like the strange (and large) list of convicts Huck decided to pardon while governor. Read this horrific tale from The Blaze and it is clear that Huck would bring a whole new (and terrifying) meaning to 'leader of the free world'...  

Peaceful democratic uprising? Lara Logan describes being raped by Egyptian 'democracy' lovers. Watch

On Demand: Must see new documentary - Rumors of War II: The Last Days? An incredible documentary exploring the radical end of time goals of many leaders in the Middle East. You won't see it anywhere else and you can now watch it ON DEMAND only on Insider Extreme!

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Glenn Beck Program | 1270 Avenue of the Americas | New York, NY 10020

Glenn Beck - Premiere Radio Networks - All Rights Reserved 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Glenn interviews 'next President of the United States'

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April 28, 2011
On Today's Program

Amazing videos of storms ripping through America: The Blaze has the incredible video footage of several tornadoes that have devastated many areas. Alabama has been hit the hardest -- at least 131 have reportedly been killed by the violent storms in Alabama alone. Watch the horrific storms HERE.

Obama hits NYC while ignoring Texas' plea for help

Fires are still ripping across Texas and it's so bad that Governor Perry has deemed that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state. So he wrote a strongly worded letter to President Obama back on April 16th asking for help -- but so far the plea has been ignored. But that hasn't deterred Obama from jetting off to lavish fundraisers, like he did last night in NYC. Why is Obama ignoring Texas? Glenn answers on radio today.

PLUS don't miss Pat's story of getting stuck in the utter mess Obama caused on the streets in NYC...get that story HERE.

Glenn interviews 'next President of the United States'

Glenn has been raving about Congressman Allen West. Given the interactions, clips, and interviews of West that have made the rounds on the internet, it's easy to understand why. But as we've seen all too many times with candidates, it's easy to get excited only to find out the candidate is not all they are cracked up to be. Glenn decided it was time to find out if Congressman West is as awesome as he appears to be -- or not. Congressman West joined Glenn on radio today. How did West hold up to the relentless questioning of Glenn Beck? WATCH.

RUMORS OF WAR II: People flooded last night to watch Rumors of War II: The Last Days? - an incredible original documentary exploring the radical end time goals of many leaders in the Middle East. You can now watch it ON DEMAND only on Insider Extreme! 


Soros: America has gone in the wrong direction

George Soros took to the public airwaves to talk about what's wrong with America, saying that America is heading in the 'wrong' direction. America may very well be heading in the wrong direction, but the new route Soros has in mind isn't exactly what the Founders had in mind. The interviewer asks Soros what he feels is his most important priority to spend his time and treasure fighting for - get the answer and Glenn's reaction HERE.

Superman renounces citizenship: Why is classic comic book hero Superman cutting ties with the United States of America? The Blaze has the story of why the man of steel is no longer a U.S. citizen. READ

Former Miss USA winner 'molested' by TSA

2003 Miss USA champ Susie Castillo is alleging that a TSA security guard went too far with the pat down and 'molested' her. The complaint was made while Castillo was at the Dallas airport - she shot a video shortly after the incident and the video clearly shows how emotional Castillo was after it happened. The Blaze has the full story HERE.
Non-shocking report: Economy still struggling

The Associated Press is reporting that applications for unemployment benefits rose to 429,000 - the highest total since late January. This shouldn't come as a surprise considering the administration hasn't stopped printing and spending money despite the fact that none of the printing or spending has solved anything. Read the latest dismal report HERE.

TV Tonight:  When is enough, enough? Glenn has the shocking indoctrination videos that will make your eyes bleed - don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on Fox News!

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Glenn Beck Program | 1270 Avenue of the Americas | New York, NY 10020

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