Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Government job solution: give them CAPES!

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April 20, 2011
On Today's Program

Obama solves asthma mystery

The exact cause of asthma is unknown - until now, that is! At a town hall gathering the President trumped the entire global medical community and declared that coal is the evil villain causing asthma. "The challenge with coal is that although it's very cheap, it's also dirty. And it can create the kinds of air pollution that not only is contributing to climate change but is also creating asthma for kids nearby," the President said. And he knows a thing or two about medicine - like how those greedy doctors are needlessly pulling out tonsils and amputating the feet of children for monetary gain. Glenn has more on Obama's latest town hall tour on radio today.

Grassroots? Lib protesters show off band, choreographed dance moves

Nancy Pelosi famously derided the Tea Party as 'astroturf' claiming the entire movement was nothing but a bogus special interest group. Surely she will once again speak out against the leftists protesting against the banks - who 'spontaneously' get a crowd of people to start singing and dancing in protest against the evil bank. Strangely, the suddenly upset people who 'joined in' the protest already knew all the choreographed dance moves. Check out the full video of the protest at The Blaze and find out why Glenn thinks the bank worker seen in the video shouldn't be so quick to laugh these protests off HERE.

Here's a flashmob you actually want to be a part of

Glenn has been sounding the alarm on the difficult times he sees America heading for, trying to get people to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. But Glenn has also been saying it's time to become a lifeboat for others - be the solution to America's problems. Because if you aren't -- guess who will be? Big government! What can you do to be the solution? Here's one great idea: join the Flashmob of Kindness that's happening TOMORROW all around the country. Be a force for GOOD. Get up off the couch and help someone in need! And make sure to send us stories, pictures and even videos from your flashmob of kindness to!


Government job solution: give them CAPES!

A state employment office in Florida actually used taxpayer money ($14,000) on 6,000 red capes as part of its 'Cape-A-Bility' challenge to make the unemployed feel like they are worthy of taking on 'Dr. Evil Unemployment.' One would think, with the many different levels of bureaucracy, that this would have crossed the desk of someone, anyone who thought 'hey, maybe this isn't really a valuable use of resources?' - but obviously it did not. And now 6,000 Floridians are unemployed and only have a cape to show for it. Nothing quite says 'hire me' like a cape. Glenn goes off on radio today...WATCH.

Speaking of bad investments: Gov to lose $11b on GM

The Cape-A-Bility project shouldn't come as a surprise - $14k in the world of government is mere pittance. They'll waste far more than that! The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the U.S. government will sell most of its remaining stake in Government Motors despite the fact it will mean a loss of approximately $11 billion. How bad are things about to get for GM if the government isn't willing to stay in it for the long haul and would rather cut their losses now? Get the full story HERE

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  • An extended Best of Czar-At-Large - Brian reminisces about his top moments - available now in the special tab.
  • Did you miss Glenn's stage show Saturday night? With a unique mix of stories and stand up, Glenn showed you the lighter side of just about every situation. He also shed some light on his upcoming plans as well as his motivations-  catch up with the special rebroadcast TONIGHT at 7pm ET.
  • Next Wednesday night is the premiere of our all new documentary - Rumors of War II: The Last Days?
  • And as always, the 4th Hour with Stu & Pat -- and the S.E. Cupp show! Exclusively all on Insider Extreme!

Yawn: Another anti-Palin book is coming out

This one is supposedly all about the 'lies' and Palin's relentless quest to gain power. Glenn says he's met a lot of people who want nothing but power and Sarah Palin is definitely NOT one of them. The media just can't stop obsessing about Sarah Palin - even though she's a mom with a Facebook account - but they just keep on trying to outdo themselves with the latest Sarah Palin expose! What will they uncover next? Find out how evil Sarah Palin is, tonight at 11! Glenn has reaction to the latest claims HERE.

Think Obama will get this guy's vote? Get the story in Stu's latest blog.  

TV Tonight: Feel your HATE -- why the left needs you to be angry, tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel!

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