Monday, April 25, 2011

Obama equates illegals with Ellis Island immigrants

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April 25, 2011
On Today's Program

Stu live from Royal Wedding

Only 6% of Americans say they are interested in the upcoming Royal Wedding - but that's not stopping TV networks from investing millions and millions of dollars to cover the event. Entire cable morning crews, hundreds of reporters and cameras are being sent overseas to cover a wedding. Meanwhile, Syria is falling apart, gas prices are skyrocketing, the IMF has declared the 'age of America' is coming to an end and food prices are rapidly increasing. But hey, did you see Kate Middleton's dress? Stu reports 'live' from 'England' to see what all the fuss is about – get the exclusive report HERE.
Obama to investigate high gas prices
President Obama is really serious about getting to the bottom of skyrocketing gas prices. Has he cut all the red tape on drilling in the gulf? No. Has he lifted unreasonable environmental standards which increase costs to the consumer? Nope. That'd be a good place to start - even better, as Glenn explained on radio today, would be to stop devaluing the dollar. The Saudi's say there isn't a shortage of oil being pumped - it's the weak dollar that's causing high prices. How? Glenn explains on radio
Pat gets labeled 'progressive' on radio: During a segment on the groups in the audience who are tracking the real cost of inflation (since government masks it), Pat launched into a tirade on how big ice cream is ripping you off with higher prices and smaller packaging. Glenn explains how inflation is really impacting Americans and why attacking big companies is misdirected. Watch it HERE.
Problem for Trump? For a 'conservative', Trump a little too closely tied to spooky dude George Soros...Glenn has the details on radio today.
Rumors of War II: The Last Days? premieres this Wednesday night at 9 pm ET. This new full length documentary will examine the End of Times prophecy and how currents events, such as the union of Russia, Turkey and Iran, indicate the chaos that is to come. Knowledge is power, and now more than ever, it is vital that you educate yourself - join us Wednesday night on Insider Extreme. Not a member? Sign up now
McD's beating victim speaks
By now you've probably seen the horrific beating of a girl in a Baltimore area McDonald's - she was mercilessly attacked to the point of sending her into a seizure. To make matters worse, an employee videotaped the victim as she went into seizure but was more concerned about telling the attackers to 'get out of here' because the cops were coming. The victim of this heinous crime has finally responded - you can see that via The Blaze. How do you stop this all too common violence from happening? Glenn explains on radio today.
More youth being indoctrinated by socialists
Glenn has the incredible video of a revolutionary socialist group that explained their plans to recruit children in Jr. High to join the struggle. Such gems as 'the top 1%' don't contribute anything beneficial to society - they just own and exploit, adding 'no real value' so the solution is socialism. It only goes downhill from there. Watch the full video via The Blaze
You won't believe what they're saying now to make you go green! Get the details in Stu's latest blog HERE.
Obama's vision of America: Those who came to America across the Rio Grande (illegally) are the same as those who came here through Ellis Island (legally). Not kidding. Glenn has the clip on radio today. WATCH

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TV Tonight:  Progressives aren't quitting - especially Republican progressives. What do they have in store for the Tea Party? Watch Glenn tonight at 5pm and find out. Don't miss the final episodes -- only on Fox!
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