Friday, April 1, 2011

Media Matters busted in epic Beck slam fail

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April 01, 2011
On Today's Program

Media Matters busted in epic Beck slam fail

George Soros can't be a happy camper today. He's spent (wasted) millions on the political hack site Media Matters so they can fight 'disinformation' in the 'conservative' media. They posted a big expose on Glenn yesterday, but all it did was prove that Media Matters employees don't know how to count higher than 400. Check out MMFA's epic fail HERE.

Remember the 'discount loan window'? 

Bernanke hid the fact that foreign banks took the most money. Which country took the most? Glenn has more on radio today.


Media mum on GOP death threats

A 26 year old woman has been arrested after sending death threats to Wisconsin Republicans. She sent emails saying that she was going to put a 'nice little bullet' in their heads, and that her and a group of people knew where they lived and were going to kill them. After the Arizona shootings, one would think the media would be all over this story. But are they? Glenn has more on radio today.


What if we took ALL the wealth?

Glenn played a great piece on radio today that detailed what would happen if Michael Moore's fantasy became reality. Michael Moore thinks that the country is not broke, and that banks and the uber rich should be giving all their money out to the people.  Is there really enough wealth to go around? Watch this video to find out.


Cutting 4% of deficit is 'irresponsible'?

Is the GOP selling out? They've been working on a compromise on the budget to avoid a so-called government shutdown. But, as it turns out, the 'compromise' that's been reached is a mere 4% cut on the deficit, not even the entire budget itself. Is the GOP the worst negotiator of all time? Glenn has more on radio today. 

Just what everyone wants to hear from their elected officials: the Constitution is 'silly' - Read more here.

Eye for an eye?

Protestors in Afghanistan who were demonstrating because of the 'abhorrent' Koran burning performed by one stupid American pastor -- have responded by killing at least 10 'foreigners' while chanting 'death to the U.S.' and 'death to Israel'. The punishment doesn't exactly seem to fit the crime. Get the full story HERE.

S.E. in hot water over Maxim pics? 

S.E. Cupp stopped by the 4th Hour to tell Stu about her Maxim photo shoot, but Glenn called in and was not happy to hear about the pictures. See a FREE clip of their conversation here. To see everything that went down sign up for Insider Extreme and check out the 4th Hour On Demand.

Glenn Beck Live! - One week from today Glenn is hitting the road for an entire week - find out if he is coming to a city near you.

Rumors of War II: Insider Extreme members can catch a sneak peek of our upcoming documentary Rumors of War II in a brand new trailer. With all of the chaos and revolution in the region, this will be one documentary you can't afford to miss. Insider Extreme members can view the new trailer now in the specials tab. If you missed Rumors of War I it is available on demand.

Tonight on TV:Could Shari'a law ever find a place in America? In some places, it already has. Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on FOX News. 



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