Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is Obama copying Glenn?

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September 30, 2010

On Today's Program

Is the WH copying Glenn's chalkboard?
The White House is touting an entirely new, original idea: The White House White Board. Hmmm, are there any notable media figures already using a chalkboard to illustrate points? In their first episode, new economic genius Austan Goolsbee tries to explain why the Obama tax hikes are necessary. Get the story from The Blaze.

Maher: No such thing as extremism

Bill Maher enlightened the American people with another one of his perfect progressive opinions during an appearance with Bill O'Reilly this week. His latest brilliant observation is that there is no such thing as extremism. Well, that's wonderful news! Glenn plays the audio and dares give an alternative opinion to the all knowing William Maher. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip)

New Stu Blog: Which 55 year veteran of Congress is in danger of a humiliating defeat? Find out HERE.

Infuriated in Indiana calls Glenn...

Walter from Indiana sums up perfectly what millions of common sense Americans are feeling today. What set Walter off? He studies with his daughter every single day, and makes sure she does her best. She is in 5th grade. After most of the class (except her) failed a test, the teacher made all the students take it over and over until they passed. Walter went in to school demanding answers - and he got some unbelievable ones. Check out the rest of the story from radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Commies on the Mall

Radical leftists will be heading down to the National Mall in Washington D.C. in a desperate attempt to increase enthusiasm for Democrats before the November elections. There are so many labor unions and left wing groups headed to this thing, anything short of 1-2 million people would be a crushing disappointment. Especially considering that some of the high powered (albeit unknown) MSNBC hosts have endorsed it as well. Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip)

Glenn Beck Live: Tickets are going on sale tomorrow exclusively to Insider members for 8 new cities that were recently announced for April 2011. The public on sale will begin next Friday, October 8th. Find out if he is coming to your city HERE.

Can't wait that long? Glenn is giving a speech at Six Flags in New Jersey on Saturday. Get all the details on the appearance HERE
In case you missed it...

If you missed the premiere last night of Restoring Honor: 8/28 the Documentary - it is now available ON DEMAND. Plus Insider Extreme members have access to more exclusive photos from photographer George Lange from the 8/28 rally. George had an all access pass and caught some iconic photos - watch the brand new montage and savor these priceless moments HERE. Not a member? Check out the list of features you are missing out on and sign up now!

Tonight on TV:  What does the 1973 movie The Sting have to do with America today? Find out at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel!

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Glenn Beck Program | 1270 Avenue of the Americas | New York, NY 10020

Glenn Beck - Premiere Radio Networks - All Rights Reserved 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jon Stewart's disturbing obsession with Glenn

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September 29, 2010

On Today's Program

Fact vs. Opinion

The left just cannot stop talking about Glenn and trying to catch him in a mistake. One complaint last night caught Glenn's attention because even though the facts were clear, they called it a Glenn Beck conspiracy. What was the complaint and what was Glenn's response? Find out on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Jon Stewart hearts Glenn

Jon Stewart can't seem to get enough of Glenn. He talks about him so much these days it's actually kind of becoming borderline obsession. He spends all of his days calling Glenn crazy, when he seems like the one inching closer to a restraining order. Glenn plays the audio of Stewart obsessing AGAIN on Letterman this week. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip)

NYT: "Being Glenn Beck" A fair piece on Glenn? Check it out and decide for yourself. READ

8/28 Documentary TONIGHT!

You will not want to miss the premiere of Restoring Honor: 8/28 the Documentary -  it's a LIVE primetime event beginning at 7 pm EST. It is the behind the scenes footage that no one has seen before. Glenn will be there along with Scott Baker from The Blaze to talk about this exclusive documentary and the amazing memories that will last a lifetime. Don't miss out - sign up for Insider Extreme now!

Obama: we can absorb a terror attack

President Obama once told Bob Woodward that America can absorb a terror attack. What did he mean by that? Was it merely a commentary on the strength and resolve of the American people? Or was it something else? Glenn discusses on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip)

Glenn appearing at Six Flags: He is giving a speech at Six Flags in New Jersey on Saturday. Get all the details on the appearance HERE.  
Owned! Chris Christie domination reel: Glenn isn't ready to anoint Christie the chosen one just yet, but is there anyone better out there? No, so in the meantime, enjoy watching Christie destroy opponents in this free video clip. WATCH

Tonight on TV: 
Why Obama does what he does - Glenn gives the motive for all the bizarre actions taken by Obama. Tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel!

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Glenn Beck Program | 1270 Avenue of the Americas | New York, NY 10020

Glenn Beck - Premiere Radio Networks - All Rights Reserved 2010