Friday, September 30, 2011

Teacher goes off on punk students "shut up and sit down!" (video)

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September 30, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Don't miss the top stories from the week as Scott Baker guest hosts and interviews Raj Nair, Will Cain and more...5pm ET on GBTV.

Want to be a part of Glenn's GBTV live audience in NYC on Monday? We had some seats just open up.  If you are interested send an email to now and we will get back to you with all the info.
Unlikely: Glenn Beck fan AND fan of OccupyWallstreet AND from Texas?
Glenn had quite an interesting caller on radio today. A long time fan who has listened to Glenn since 2002 called in to say he sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street protesters. And he's from Texas of all places. Why did the caller sympathize with this left wing, anti-corporate, anti-cop crowd? Get the answer and the debate that followed on radio today HERE
Aww, shucks: another terrorist leader dead
American-born terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed by American forces. The death is being universally applauded as everyone agrees this dirtbag was a terrorist - ok, almost everyone is applauding it. Ron Paul immediately came out and expressed concern that an American citizen was assassinated without trial. Does he have a point? Or did al-Awlaki seal his own fate? Debate on radio today. Watch HERE.
Are you a devoted fan of e-books yet?  If not, are you thinking about getting one of the new $79 Kindles?  Either way, be sure to add your name to Glenn's new e-book alert list so you'll be the first to know about exclusive discounts and specials on Glenn's favorite books—including the ones talked about on the show.  And if you haven't tried an e-book yet, now's the time—get the new $79 ad-supported Kindle now!
Teacher of the year? Tells fighting students to 'shut up and sit down'
While this is certainly not the course of action most teachers should take given what could happen - it was pretty refreshing to see a teacher unafraid to discipline unruly students. One student gets up from his seat and confronts another student, who then stands up. Before the situation escalates any further, the teacher steps in and delivers an epic speech, ending the confrontation immediately. Teacher of the year? WATCH.
The left will hate this guy: car wash gives discount for reciting John 3:16
A car wash in Texas is taking an unusual step -- giving folks a $15 discount on oil changes if they simply recite John 3:16 when they drop off the car. Of course the left is flying off the handle claiming this guy is discriminating and all the rest. Glenn interviews the owner who responds to the claims and explains the reason why he's doing it. Tough not to love this guy -- but the left will find a way. Check out the interview HERE
Restoring Courage DVD Set: Follow Glenn on his Journey to Restore Courage. DVD set includes Making of Restoring Courage Documentary, Journey to Restoring Courage Documentary: an inside look at Glenn's trip to Poland and Auschwitz, and Rumors of War 2. Pre-Order yours today!
Yeah right: Michelle Obama shops at Target?
Michelle Obama took an impromptu trip to shop at Target, a store Michelle says she shops at all the time. Glenn immediately called BS on that claim because after all, the First Lady tends to have pretty expensive taste. The conversation quickly spins out of control and devolves into french fries in milkshake talk. Or maybe that's an upgrade in conversation. You decide: WATCH.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gov Motors creepy OnStar announcement

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September 21, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: A chess game you do not want to miss: Glenn uses a match between God and Satan to illustrate why global events are happening the way they are. Watch it live at 5pm ET or catch it any time you wish on demand at or on the GBTV iPhone/iPad app. Missed last night's show? Watch last night's FINAL FOUR segment HERE.

B.S. of A: Brian Sack skewers the news of the day in the latest episode of The B.S. of A. available only on GBTV - watch Tuesday's FULL episode for FREE!
Uh-oh: Government Motors wants to track you
Several years ago Glenn broke ties with GM as a sponsor, in large part because he was worried about their interactions with government. All that technology and access at the fingertips of the federal government just didn't sit well with Glenn. At the time, they said they wouldn't be doing any sort of tracking or anything like that. That was then, this is now. OnStar is now notifying its 6 million account holders that it will keep a complete account of the speed and location of OnStar-equipped vehicles even for drivers who discontinue the monthly service. Why? Glenn has more on radio today - check it out at
Obama hearts the U.N. but not the Constitution
President Obama spoke to the U.N. recently and glowingly fawned over the wonderfulness and sheer loving genius of the U.N.'s founding charter. Glenn plays the audio on radio today and then also plays a blast from the past -- Obama expressing his true feelings on the Constitution. While he calls it a 'remarkable document' he goes on to complain about how it's riddled with 'deep flaws' and reflects America's blind spot that 'continues today'. Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a President who actually liked the founders? Glenn tries not to blow a gasket responding on radio today. WATCH
Want to spend more time with the family? Bring them together with family game night!'s latest deal is a great discount on a 3 pack of Zobmondo family games! Get the deal at!
Baffling new poll: Palin within 5 points of Obama?
A new poll out has Sarah Palin within 5 points of President Barack Obama, but the poll has Romney coming the closest to victory making it within 2 points of Obama. Glenn turns to resident poll geek Stu Burguiere to see if there's any rhyme or reason as to why Palin is suddenly jumping up the poll charts when Perry clearly has all the momentum right now. MORE
LOL: Glenn tries to see things from NY Mag's point of view and understand how Obama is more pro-Jewish than Netanyahu; hilarity ensues. WATCH this free clip from last night's show on GBTV.
Learn Hebrew and Win 2 round-trip tickets to the Holy Land

Learn Modern or Biblical Hebrew from the comfort of your home with through live online courses taught by teachers from the Holy Land and accredited by the Hebrew University. Sign up now and enter a raffle to win 2 round-trip tickets to Israel and a guided tour of Jerusalem. Form more information Click Here.
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Media ignores Days of Rage violence
Would you be surprised to learn that the Days of Rage protests to occupy Wall Street are not only still going on, but they've also turned violent? That's because the national media is completely ignoring the story. Imagine if a Tea Party protest erupted into clashes with police and protesters interfering with arrests? The local news in New York covered it - when will the rest of the media? Glenn has more on this development on radio today. WATCH
Did you know that Glenn's news brand, The Blaze, has an all-new print magazine? 
That's right. The Blaze magazine is the brand new publication from the team at (it recently replaced Glenn's Fusion magazine). It's where you'll get reporting, insight and analysis you won't find in the mainstream media. We seek and report the Truth. And that makes us unique and powerful. Click HERE to subscribe.
Who knew: Tony Bennett is nuts
Glenn plays a clip of Howard Stern's interview with Tony Bennett and this is must hear audio -- Bennett goes off the deep end talking about solutions for the violence and terrorism in the Middle East. Stern calls Bennett out when the conversation delves into the melting of all the weapons on the globe and that 9/11 was America's fault. Check out the clip and see Glenn reminisce about his Bennett interview decades ago that went incredibly sour. WATCH
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