Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another company subsidized by Obama goes belly up

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September 01, 2011
On Today's Program

Are banks 'gangsta'? 
Everyone's favorite liberal, Maxine Waters, is a (bad) quote machine. She lived up to her reputation once again in a recent rant lashing out at 'gangsta' bankers. The real shocking part of this story is - did Glenn Beck actually agree with Waters? The audio clip led to a heated debate between Stu and Glenn on radio today. Are banks gangsta? Check out the debate between Stu & Glenn on radio today - WATCH.
Congressman: Tea Party wants to kill black people
Representative Andre Carson engaged in some serious rhetoric at a Congressional Black Caucus event, specifically targeting the Tea Party and Tea Party favorites in Congress. He said "[Tea Partiers would] love to see us as second-class citizens…some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree." Wow, that's quite a claim. Current Congressmen want African Americans hanged? Amazingly when questioned, Carson defended his comments. Hear the clip and get details at
Interview: Glenn speaks with head of Gibson Guitar company
Gibson Guitar, of all companies, has been the target of multiple raids (@ gunpoint) by the Federal Government for alleged importation of illegal wood. Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz is claiming the Feds told him that his problems would 'go away' if the company used Madagascar labor. Juszkiewicz called into the radio program today and spoke with Glenn about the situation. Check out the full interview HERE.  
GBTV: Diary of Anne Frank continues; Glenn Beck premiere looms
Glenn Beck's all new two hour program is set to launch on September 12th only on! Are you ready for Glenn Beck unfiltered, unedited, unleashed? Are you ready for a network whose only agenda is the truth? Then you are ready for GBTV! Check out some pics of the new set HERE. Sign up and be part of the next media revolution - get the new 2 hour Glenn Beck Show and all the expanding content. Tonight don't miss the continuing series: The Diary of Anne Frank (part 4). And of course great on demand programming such as all of the Restoring Courage events -- sign up now!
Is Glenn Beck sleeping on air? Stu & Pat investigate; view the PIC.
Green bust: Another subsidized solar company touted by Obama goes belly up
Obama has repeatedly touted green jobs as the solution to the ailing economy -- even though Spain proved green technology is not quite ready to shoulder the load, and forcing it too early is disastrous (they bet the farm on green and now have 21% unemployment). BUT Obama continues to force it, and yet another $535 million dollars went down the drain. Glenn reports on the latest solar company to get huge sums of federal cash only to go belly up - STORY.
American dream personified: Slotto
What happens when you can't find a job in America? There is generally two reactions: sit around and wait for one to fall into your lap OR take matters into your own hands. Robert Darling lost his job and tried the first approach - not shockingly, nothing happened. He quickly decided to try option number two and something amazing was born. Today's latest Markdown is the fantastic children's game Slotto -- made here in America and a product of the American dream. Check out the great discount on Slotto at and get more details on the amazing story HERE.
27% of Dems want a new candidate: Could it be Hillary? Check out the story via The Blaze. 

Remember Restoring Courage
Glenn was able to get up close with the amazing people who, despite incredible odds and in the face of enormous threats, are building a land and a life as God always intended. Our photographer, George Lange, snapped over 30,000 behind the scene exclusive images and stories of the three Restoring Courage events in Israel. This book will be a keepsake in your family for generations to come -- Pre-order your copy now.
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