Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Message from Glenn

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December 24, 2010

Tomorrow is December 25th, what most think of as the end of the season.  But me, I see it as the “middle child” in our trilogy of American holidays.  We started back on Thanksgiving, preparing for the renewal that comes at the start of the New Year.  The thing is, January 1st can often be a disappointment. Not because your goals or resolutions were unrealistic, but because you didn’t properly prepare yourself spiritually.  That’s the process we’re going through.  So now that you cleared away the unnecessary distractions in your life on Thanksgiving (both material and otherwise) Christmas is the time to stop and think about what you really have and what it is you are truly grateful for.  This Christmas, I say that instead of spending the day saying, “Merry Christmas,” maybe it’s time we started to instead say, “Thank you.”

Christmas is a time for gratitude.  Think about just how blessed you are, and not just for your friends and family and whatever may be under the tree.  Think bigger. Think deeper.  Think of the Christ child and what he grew up to do.  What did he give up for you?  What are you willing to give up for others?  This is a time for service. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  Be a shelter for someone else.  Help shoulder a burden and lighten someone’s load.  You, me…we all deserve a second chance, and that clean slate comes in the form of God’s redemption.  It’s the one gift we can all receive whenever we’re ready to accept it.  His redemption is always there for you, and not just on December 25th.

Be humble, get down on your knees and help your family rise up by getting down on their knees with you.  Christmas is a glorious time of year and perhaps the best time to remember the saying that goes, “All that is not given is lost.”  Show your gratitude through deeds and not just words.  Reflect on who you really are and what you really have. And through it all, be grateful that you’re here to experience it and know that the path towards redeeming your own life runs through the lives of others who also need help.  Then and only then can you be ready for what lies ahead in the New Year.  What a year it’s going to be!

And while I’m talking about gratitude, let me say just how thankful I am for you.  This year you have been especially gracious with your time and attention. You’ve sent me and my family your warm thoughts and prayers, and for that I will never be able to say thank you enough.  But I promise I’ll try.

May God bless you always, and I wish for you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Top Glenn of 2010: Falling apart

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December 21, 2010

Top Glenn of 2010!

The next two weeks we are counting down the top Glenn moments of 2010. Today we continue with:

Health issues

Cancer? Rumsfield disease? Aspartame poisoning? Glenn’s health was a major concern in 2010. It’s hard to imagine someone built as rock solid as Glenn could have health issues (*cough*) but it was a scary year for Glenn and family this year. He announced he could go blind (he hasn’t), occasionally lacks feeling in his hands and feet (he’s still working like crazy), and has been working with a trainer to improve his health (on occasion). While Glenn underwent a series of tests at The Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, UT, there was one disease which could not be ruled out: nanobots!

While most “doctors” would not have reached this diagnosis, a caller was kind enough to call in and alert Glenn about “electronic harassment”. While the caller could not identify the sources of the attacks, referring to the attackers only as “they”, he said he had experienced many of the same symptoms as Glenn and was currently partially blind, hard of hearing, and experiencing similar tingling in his hands and feet. Stu immediately spent the rest of his day researching nanobot attacks, but nothing conclusive has been found at this time. But one thing Glenn can say conclusively – he felt each and every one of your prayers during times of doubt. The love and concern of this audience has left Glenn speechless (and often in tears) and the outpouring of support is something Glenn appreciated more than you can ever know, and will never be forgotten.  ( Transcript, The Blaze)

Today’s Top Headlines:

  • GREEN MAKE BELIEVE: Van Jones Admits Left is ‘PRETENDING’ Need for Regulations in Green Movement - STORY
  • AG Holder Worried About Home-Grown Terror Attacks: ‘We Might Have Missed Something’
  • High School Punishes Christmas Sweater Club for Giving Candy Canes - STORY


Give the gift that pays off year after year: education! Glenn's new book BROKE can still be shipped in time for Christmas.

Why BROKE? Because it makes the economic apocalypse fun again!  CLICK HERE to see what we mean.

If you are a schlub...And have left all of your Christmas shopping till the last minute, Glenn has a bailout for you! Do all your shopping in one, safe, convenient, fun place -! Thrill the conservative in your life, and torture the progressive in your life. Either way, you win! But you better place your order today – the 2-day express shipping deadline for all store merchandise for delivery in time for Christmas is TOMORROW at 3 pm EST. Find all kinds of great gifts from the 8.28 Photo Book to The Bold and Fresh Tour DVD to one of a kind T-Shirts. Shop HERE.

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