Wednesday, May 9, 2012

BREAKING: Obama flip flops on gay marriage... AGAIN

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May 09, 2012
On Today's Program

This is your brain on progressivism: EPIC video
What does it look like when a useful idiot attends a couple of Occupy rallies and then tries to apply all they've heard in an interview? A young protester showed us the painful answer as she tried to explain why Paul Ryan isn't really Catholic and how poor people 'have no dignity'. WATCH

Tonight on GBTV:
  • 5pm - The Glenn Beck Program features guest host Andrew Wilkow making his GBTV hosting debut with a chalkboard lesson "The Wilkow Guide to Two-Way Media Perception'. Don't miss it tonight at 5pm on GBTV!
  • 6pm - Real News from The Blaze: What is the Obama Administration doing about the recent series of cyber attacks on our critical infrastructure? The answer tonight on the Real News at 6pm on GBTV.
  • On Demand: The truth about the Wisconsin recall of Governor Scott Walker. Ami Horowitz investigated - What did he find? Check out a clip from last night's special. Subscribers can catch the full report from last night on demand

BREAKING: Obama fip flops on gay marriage...AGAIN
President Obama made the brave (read: cowardly pandering) decision today to support gay marriage, after years and years of opposing it based on his supposed religious conviction. Get the full story HERE.

Glenn interviews author of Mercury Ink's innovative book experience, Wrath & Righteousness
Glenn welcomed author Chris Stewart on radio today to talk about his amazing series of books that Glenn says make reading feel like watching a high paced, high action season of '24' on TV. What makes the series tick ? Glenn finds out on radio today. Get the details on how to download your copy HERE.

Lugar loses badly
Just a few days ago Newt Gingrich declared the Tea Party dead, claiming they no longer have any influence.  Newt knows a thing or two about having no influence given that he himself has none, but in this case he has been proven wrong. The Tea Party scored a huge primary win as long time Republican Dick Lugar was sent packing. Glenn reacts on radio today.

Romney ahead of curve on Muslim Brotherhood?
Something to get excited about over Mitt Romney? While most Republicans will throw their support behind the eventual nominee, they aren't exactly stirring with excitement. But take a listen to this clip from Romney from 4 years ago talking about the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islam. Was Mitt way ahead of the curve on foreign policy?

Get a great gift for Mom or Dad: Give your Mom or Dad an exhilarating NASCAR adventure! Visit Markdown and choose from a voucher for a 3 hour racing experience including driving a NASCAR Racecar ($399.99 value) or ride shotgun in a NASCAR racecar for just $64!

Can a Deck of Cards Save Your Life?
Featuring 52 different edible plants found in the North American wilderness, Edible Wild Foods Playing Cards is a must for any outdoorsman or survivalist! Get yours TODAY!
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Glenn interviews 'Tania's boyfriend' Andrew Wilkow
Glenn's wife Tania has a favorite radio host and his name is not Glenn Beck. Today on radio Glenn interviewed Andrew Wilkow, host and what Glenn describes as 'Tania's other boyfriend" on the program today. Wilkow will be filling in on GBTV tonight - what's on tap?

Scattered Showers of Journalism: Gregory embarrasses Joe Biden
Over the weekend Joe Biden went on the offensive and insinuated that Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the same 'gutsy' decision Obama did on OBL. Problem: Biden himself claims he advised the President not to do it. Host David Gregory called him out on this, clearly catching Biden stepping in it. His response was epic.
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