Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DISTURBING: China fills capsules with human baby flesh

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May 08, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Glenn covers the shocking gains of Greece's neo-Nazi movement and the media's continuing negligence. Live at 5pm ET (or on demand).

Real News Special Report TONIGHT: The biggest story the mainstream media is missing - the truth about the Wisconsin recall of Governor Scott Walker. This morning on radio, Ami Horowitz, the man behind this special, joined Glenn on radio to discuss his investigation into the recall. What did he find? Watch tonight at 6pm ET (or on demand).

Glenn introduces the '24' of books...
Glenn's very excited about the release of Mercury Ink's first e-book series, "Wrath and Righteousness," by best-selling author Chris Stewart! This gripping 10 episode series is like the '24' of books – you'll fly through each episode released over the course of the year. The first installment of the series is FREE for GBTV subscribers and $2.99 for non-subscribers. Start your GBTV Plus FREE trial today to get this exclusive free offer.

Yet another Obama official has a Marxist 'accident' - defends class warfare while citing Marx.

Van Jones: "Surprise! I'm back!"
Back when Van Jones was initially exposed as a communist and a 9/11 truther, Glenn said it was a bad idea to fire him. Why? Because he's much more dangerous and free to operate on the outside. At a recent event Van Jones confirmed this when he said nearly the exact same thing. Glenn responds to Van's comments HERE.

China baby capsules
This morning on radio, Glenn shared a truly disturbing story. China, the country so many are looking to as "the future", is using human baby flesh in pill capsules. China's Food and Drug Administration hasn't responded to any of these reports. Here's a thought, if your "Food and Drug Administration" isn't shutting down an industry that grinds up human flesh …it's worthless.

Get a great gift for Mom or Dad: Give your Mom or Dad an exhilarating NASCAR adventure! Visit Markdown and choose from a voucher for a 3 hour racing experience including driving a NASCAR Racecar ($399.99 value) or ride shotgun in a NASCAR racecar for just $64!

Just some isolated incidents of not-terror
Glenn tried really, really hard to report on the end of the "War on Terror" - but for some reason he kept being handed "isolated incidents" of terror from around the world. As hard as he tried, he couldn't get the "War on Terror is over" story finished. Bombs, kidnappings, and more just kept popping up and interrupting him. Weird - since we know the War on Terror is over....right?

Restoring Love Event Packages Are Available Now! There are great special event packages still available for the Restoring Love event this July in Dallas! Get all the details on these packages at Mercuryone.org. These packages are going fast, make sure you secure your spot today.

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Muslim Brotherhood: Capital of the Caliphate will be Jerusalem
The Obama administration assured America that the Muslim Brotherhood is a 'secular' organization. That's odd because most secular organizations don't have any interest in establishing a global caliphate - which is exactly what the Brotherhood (again) said in a recent event. Glenn responds HERE.

Insurgents released after pledge of peace
Just when you thought Obama's foreign policy couldn't get any more ridiculous, we learn that insurgents are being released on condition they give a 'pledge of peace' before they go. But don't worry - they're given a stern warning before leaving: if you kill any more soldiers, we'll lock you right back up! That'll teach em.
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