Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama diverts attention away from economy he's destroying

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May 10, 2012
On Today's Program

Glenn praises new "ghost town" in New Mexico as hotbed of innovation
Why is Glenn praising this so called 'ghost town' so profusely? On radio today he called it 'one step away' from being Disney - that's high praise considering the source, a self-professed Disney geek. Glenn explains how innovation will blossom in this New Mexico town.

Glenn's first big break: Watch Glenn explain his 'really crappy' history

Tonight on GBTV (live or on demand):
  • 5pm - The Glenn Beck Program: Glenn runs down the long list of Obama administration lies, plus the 'can you agree with Obama on anything' challenge. Is there anything you actually agree with Obama on?
  • 6pm - Real News: Tonight Real News breaks down the federal 'Common Core' program and the effect it's having on state & local schools. Get informed with Real News from The Blaze tonight!
  • 7pm - B.S. of A.: Obama takes a break from ruining the economy to ruin tonight's monologue. Plus, an all-new 'The Experts'. It all starts at 7pm ET, don't miss it & catch all episodes on demand!
Obama diverts attention away from economy he's destroying with bogus 'evolution' on gay marriage
Looking for the latest effort by the White House to take attention away from the economy and put it squarely on social issues that rile up the American people but in the end have little impact on their day-to-day lives? Well, you need look no further than President Obama finally "evolving" and deciding that he now supports gay marriage - at least on a personal level. But wait...wasn't that his position waaaaaaay back in 1996? Surely this President wouldn't flip flop to whatever position would score him the most political points, would he? Get Glenn's reaction and MORE

Are you or anyone you know accurately represented by the things on this list?
Would you hire someone to represent you that you can't even find 3 things in common with? Well, essentially that's what most Americans did when they elected Barack Obama as President of the United States. This morning on radio, Glenn made a list of Obama's stance or actions on 20 key issues, and then he challenged listeners to find 3 things that represent them or anyone they know. Can you?

Student Loans out of control
President Obama has been dividing Americans over the issue of student loans. He feels it's the govt's job to tell banks what interest rates they should charge, and demonizing those who disagree. Sen. Marco Rubio, who has student loans, made the decision to block a bill that would prevent these loans from increasing, sparking a conversation on radio this morning about the stigma surrounding trade schools and community colleges. Find out what Glenn had to say HERE.

Glenn interviews Texas Senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz: WATCH

What if reading a great book was as exciting as watching a season of '24'?
This week Glenn's publishing division, Mercury Ink, launched a brand new way to experience a great book. 10 action packed episodes released over the course of a year. Wrath & Righteousness is an amazing thriller that will have you questioning fact from fiction. The 1st episode is available now – FREE for GBTV subscribers ($2.99 for non-subscribers). Get all the details.

FAIL: lib bloggers try to explain Marxist 'Forward' slogan
It's pretty clear that Obama's new slogan, Forward, has deep roots in socialist/Marxist lore. Most people aren't denying this and Obama may have even done it just to get people accusing him again - but one leftist rag blogger had quite the hilariuos explanation of where the slogan came from. Get their ridiculous rationale HERE.

How To Protect Your Family's Wealth When His Predictions Come True!
Social Chaos. Economic Breakdown. Political Instability. Inflation. It's all coming true. Protect and grow your savings during the coming economic collapse...Watch presentation here.
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Occupy described as 'relatively peaceful rally' despite protester throwing bricks
Nothing says peaceful quite like a few large bricks/blocks being tossed from a third story roof directly into the crowd below. But that's how one local news man described the scene - only after several bricks were tossed into the crowd did he finally change his tune. Glenn reacts on radio - WATCH.

Get Dad something he'll really love for Father's Day – BACON! is currently offering 50% off gourmet bacon AND bacon toothpicks from Bacon Freak! Gourmet bacon. At 50%. Did we mention there's bacon?

So, how does Obama's gay marriage decision change the election? Stu shows you with state by state polls to reveal the winner. See the new electoral map here.

One man's unrelenting search for hope: If you're waiting for Michael Vey 2, you'll have to wait just a little longer (August), but Glenn's good friend Richard Paul Evans does have a new book out now: THE ROAD TO GRACE, the story of one man's journey as he walks across America looking for hope--something we could all use a bit of right now. Grab your copy now and Michael Vey will be here before you know it!
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