Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obama's hilarious version of 'tough' Osama decision

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March 13, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Glenn addresses the threats made against him by the Nation of Islam. Plus, Pastor C.L. Bryant and Author Deneen Borelli join Glenn to talk about how the Democrats are enslaving the African American community. How do we stop the progressive attack? Find out tonight live at 5pm (or on demand) on GBTV!

Real News:  The race to become the GOP presidential candidate continues as primaries take place in some of the southern states today. Will these voters be able to put an end to this never ending battle? PLUS, the panel takes a closer look at the viral video that's been taking over the internet, Kony 2012. Don't miss Real News from The Blaze – Tonight at 7pm ET (or on demand) only on GBTV!

Soros attempts to bribe ex-girlfriend, fails
Most people picture George Soros in his off hours sitting in a lowly lit room drawing out maps and plans to take over the world. Who knew the guy actually had girlfriends at one point in his life? The billionaire hater of freedom recently ran into a little trouble with one of his ex-girlfriends and allegedly tried to send some hush money to make it all go away. Did it work? Nope! Glenn has more on radio today.

Is George Soros turning into the Emperor from Star Wars? Seriously, just look at these photos, they speak for themselves. #scary 

Santorum: "Gingrich needs to get out of the race" 
Rick Santorum joined the radio program to talk about the race and specifically to talk about Newt Gingrich. The former Senator from PA strongly feels he would be handily beating Romney if it were a two man race. Is there any value in sticking this out till the end? Does it hurt or help the GOP in the long run? Check out the interview.

Glenn destroys ridiculous Obama documentary
As part of his re-election campaign the Obama administration is trying to highlight the positives - and one of the few happens to be the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Of course, that has more to do with the efforts of the military than anything else, but that's not stopping the President from trying to make the most of it. Glenn plays the ridiculous dramatization of the decision, as if it were a tough one. Audio & reaction on radio today.

11 y/o does job MSM won't do; grills Michelle Obama
A great question was asked by an 11-year-old aspiring journalist who had the opportunity to interview the first lady of the United States. She asked her a very direct question about why the government should be involved in telling people what to eat. Michelle Obama gives a pretty bad answer - Glenn picks it apart on radio today.

Amazing RFK Jr. audio
RFK Jr. lashed out at Senator Inhofe recently and had a few choice words for the anti-global warming Republican, calling him a prostitute who is selling out our country. After admitting hypocrisy because he criticized Rush for using that word, Kennedy decided to double down. What else did he call Inhofe?

DE-CLASSIFIED: The Crystal Ball of The Ultra Rich? - Austin man sneaks into secret millionaire meetings and discovers 19 "black box" investment strategies. (One creates $100K/Month tax-free retirement fund)! Shocking online presentation reveals everything…WATCH NOW.

Vatican on a list of money launderers
President Obama has a pattern when he's faced with confrontation. Instead of backing down or trying to find common ground, this administration puts the pedal to the metal and doubles down. Just like when he said he'd drag the oil companies in, just like when he attacked greedy doctors as heartless SOB's who were amputating kids for cash - he's doing it again with the Catholic Church. Find out how here

9/12 Project: Last night on GBTV, Glenn celebrated the three year anniversary of the 9/12 Project. Get highlights from last night's show HERE

Time to Prepare! The NY Times is making fun of preppers and all the new reality shows based on being prepared. But in the event of any emergency, it is better to be safe than sorry? TOMORROW on GBTV beginning at 5pm, whether it's the summer of rage or a natural disaster, Glenn has advice on how you and your family can be safe and ready. Then at 8pm ET, don't miss the season finale of Independence USA. Frank and Adam set out to make their own black powder for shooting practice -- will it hold up against the store bought kind? Plus, Frank challenges Kim to a beer making competition where the loser must be the winner's servant for 24 hours.  

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