Monday, March 12, 2012

Nation of Islam threatens Beck

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March 12, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Over the weekend Glenn was threatened by a Nation of Islam newspaper for speaking out against NOI leader Louis Farrakhan, but when Farrakhan mocked Asians in a speech at UC Berkley his first amendment rights are protected.  PLUS, it's the 3 year anniversary of the 9-12 Project. Tonight, Glenn speaks with leaders from all across the country about the future of the 9-12 Project. Glenn PREVIEWS tonight's show - live at 5pm ET (or on demand).

Real News: An American serviceman allegedly killed 16 civilians (mostly women and children) this weekend in Afghanistan. The panel discusses the American response, as well as the Taliban's vow to avenge these deaths. Tonight at 7pm (or on demand) on GBTV

Nation of Islam: Glenn Beck a minion of the Synagogue of Satan
Apparently the Nation of Islam has a problem dealing with their own past actions and words as evidenced by recent anger directed at Glenn Beck. After Glenn merely pointed out what they were saying, Nation of Islam responded by basically threatening Glenn. Get his reaction on radio today.

Farrakhan applauded at UC Berkley 
Despite a long history of anti-Semitism and other offensive bigotry, UC Berkley still welcomed Louis Farrakhan with open arms. In fact, they did more than welcome the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam - they gave him a standing O! Glenn's reaction.

Is this the most epic yawn in TV History? WATCH

Obama's shocking refusal to return Maher's dirty $$ 
President Obama unnecessarily threw his hat into the ring to lecture America about 'civil discourse' and even used his daughters as the reason why. Yet, curiously, the President doesn't seem to have a problem taking $1m from one of the biggest dirtbags on television, Bill Maher. Get Glenn's full reaction on radio today

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Game Change is one of the worst movies ever
Game Change could be one of the worst movies ever, even if you hate Sarah Palin. Even John McCain came out and said the film was ridiculous. This was clearly a hack job by an industry that just can't get enough slams in on Sarah Palin - which is weird considering how much we've been hearing lately about how the left is the party of women. Glenn has more on radio today

For under $30 a simple, safe and more convenient solution for cooking under almost any circumstance. Watch the video and get a special bundled offer HERE

Save the Date: Monumental opening Mar. 27 - Glenn interviews Kirk Cameron 
Glenn chatted with Kirk Cameron on radio today about his new documentary Monumental. This film will be right up every Glenn Beck fan's alley - chock-full of history stories you should know but were never taught. Why weren't you taught them and what can we learn from them today? Check out the interview from radio today

IDIOT: Alan Grayson runs red light, slams his Mercedes (1% much?) into city bus injuring two. WATCH.

This week on GBTV:
  • Season Finale: Frank and Adam set out to make their own black powder for shooting practice but will it hold up against the store bought kind? Plus, Frank challenges Kim to a beer making competition where the loser must be the winner's servant for 24 hours.  Don't miss the one hour season finale of GBTV's reality show, Independence USA, this Wednesday at 8pm - all previous episodes are available on demand.  
  • This week on Liberty Treehouse: Lu takes us for an inside look behind the brain, Raj shows us some cool, new gadgets at the Toy Fair and we stop by the Science Toy Maker for an 'explosive' episode on how to make a Bottle Rocket. On today's episode we celebrate one of the country's most iconic folk heroes, Johnny Appleseed! Tune in weekdays at 4:30 ET (or on demand).
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