Monday, March 26, 2012

Atheist 'Reason Rally' turns into Christian bash fest

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March 26, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Glenn ties it all together - how are leftists promoting chaos? Find out tonight at 5pm only on GBTV!

Real News: Today is the big day—The Supreme Court has set aside an unprecedented 5.5 hours over the course of three days to hear arguments on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as "Obamacare." Tonight at 6pm ET, the panel will discuss the arguments the SCOTUS will likely hear over the next three days, and the impact this legislation has had and will have on the country. Watch live or on demand!

Atheists descend on DC for Reason Rally
The Blaze faith editor Billy Hallowell mingled among the non-believers at the Reason Rally in Washington D.C. over the weekend. It's an interesting group of people who are out to strongly announce their belief in non-belief. Check out Hallowell's interviews and Glenn's reaction on radio.

Glenn on Tour Pics! This weekend was the first two stops of Glenn's Unelectable II Comedy Tour. The crowds in Tampa and Raleigh were fantastic! Take a look at some photos from the first two shows and grab tickets to one of the upcoming tour stops in a city near you.

Gulp: Obama says he'll be 'more flexible' after election
President Obama was caught on an open microphone basically telling Russian leaders to just be patient, because it's 'his last election' and he'll have a lot more flexibility after this one. Just the words America did NOT want to hear.

Support Mercury One and Restoring Love: Mercury One now has an eBay auction portal, where proceeds from anything bought, sold or donated help benefit Mercury One and the Restoring Love event this July in Dallas, TX. Click here to learn more.

Did you know? The Supreme Court is taking a look at Obamacare today. Media would rather you didn't know about it. Get informed.

Remember when we used to like Tom Hanks?
There was a time when Tom Hanks was universally loved by every American. Then he started making questionable films - like that crappy flick where he rode around on a moped with Julia Roberts - but more importantly, he started spouting off about politics. Now he's shilling for Obama's new propaganda documentary. If you want to ruin all Tom Hanks films for good, check out this segment.

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Get ready for camping season! Markdown is currently offering 40% off a Pioneer Grill and Pot Dangler! The Pioneer is large enough for weekend getaways and family outings but easily fits into smaller vehicles. Get all of the details at!

Obama patronizes every country with recycled compliments
A pretty stunning series of audio clips has been edited together and paints a disturbing picture of Barack Obama's foreign policy. He claims to be the great uniter and world healer -- but wait until all of our allies find out about how the President pays each and every one of them the same exact compliment.

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