On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: What will the Supreme Court's ruling on health care mean for the country? Also, the story of Trayvon Martin's death keeps getting worse and worse--one elderly couple is living at a hotel in fear after Spike Lee mistweeted their address as the home of Trayvon's shooter. What's really go on it Florida? Watch GBTV tonight at 5pm ET (or on demand) Real News: The Council on Foreign Relations has released a report that suggests the sad state of America's public school system is a threat to national security. How do we solve the problem with America's education system? The panel will discuss all this and more tonight on Real News from The Blaze Live at 6pm ET (or on demand) How big is the American Dream Labs set? Take a look behind the scenes of Glenn's new set.  Farrakhan's dangerous, radical views Glenn talked about an upcoming special on GBTV featuring some of the most unbelievable comments and connections of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. We already know he has said some strange things about the President's safety and he had no problem tweeting about vigilante justice in response to the Trayvon Martin shooting. Check out a preview of the audio and Glenn's response. Restoring Love pre-registration ends this Friday Glenn has said from the beginning that GBTV is a verb and asked for patience as things are put into place. Restoring Love in Dallas this summer kick starts the change America really needs -- not from the top down but from the bottom up. We can't stop politicians from expanding government until we step up and take away the need. For information and more details go HERE. Final day of health care debate at Supreme Court Is the mandate making its last stand? So far the prognosis is not good (if you are a fan of Obamacare) and even leftist media members are predicting its doom. Today the debate shifted from the merits of the mandate itself to what this means for the rest of this crap sandwich of a bill - does the death of the mandate mean the death of Obamacare? Find out on radio today. AUDIO: Obamacare takes a beating at the Supreme Court Black Panthers: Zimmerman charged with murder according to "street people law" The Black Panthers and other radicals are out for vigilante justice after the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin. Spike Lee, for example, tweeted what he thought was Zimmerman's home address and it was incorrect. The home belongs to an elderly couple who are now fearing for their life. Lee so far has refused to apologize. According to the Constitution, Zimmerman is entitled to a fair trial. Do we have to like it? Not necessarily, but it's still part of the way things work. But when The Black Panthers call for street justice, they join a disturbing trend of radical groups who have decided to cast off the rules of civil society. Glenn has more on radio today. Last night on GBTV: Will Trayvon Martin case lead to "Bubba Effect?" -- Glenn explained last night on GBTV. |
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