| March 20, 2012 | | On Today's Program  Tonight on GBTV: The nation is being fundamentally transformed... Tonight, Glenn contends that the era of progressivism is over and the era of communism is about to begin. He'll explain what's happening, and what you can do about it. Live at 5pm ET (or on demand). Real News: What does the future of the occupy movement look like? Threats to police officers, flag burning, and no clear message or direction have defined 'Occupy' so far, but will this change as the NATO Summit in Chicago approaches? The Real News panel will discuss this and more tonight, live at 6pm ET (or on demand). MUST WATCH: Everyone who cares about their country needs to watch this definitive response to Obama's self-glorifying documentary 'The Road We've Traveled'! We cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama in office. WATCH and please share and help pass this information to everyone you know. Obama lets daughter go to Mexico despite own govt warning against going to Mexico A bizarre story has been developing throughout the day surrounding a touchy subject -- the questionable location of the President's daughter Malia. Reports surfaced that she was on spring break in Mexico, which is especially odd because the Obama administration itself warned travelers from visiting Mexico for safety reasons. Then the story started disappearing from the internet -- Glenn reacted on radio today. Glenn interviews Rick Santorum Former Senator Rick Santorum is still holding out hope that he has a chance at the GOP nomination and the reward of running against Barack Obama for the Presidency. Today he weighed in on Obama's apparent decision to let his daughter go to Mexico even while warning others about going there, plus his take on the new Ryan Budget being proposed. WATCH Gun-toting tourist avoids jail time in New York City - How'd they do it? The Joe Biden gaffe machine strikes again! And this one is right up there with the best of Biden's worst -- Listen to what he said and Glenn's reaction. America's 2 fav radicals back to lead OWS with 6 steps Frances Fox Piven and Steven Lerner are back! This time they're leading the totally organic, autonomous Occupy movement by providing the young inexperienced radicals with a very clear road map to follow. Will the useful idiots take the bait? Probably - here's how you'll know... Glenn's hitting the road this weekend! Glenn will be in Raleigh and Tampa this weekend with his new comedy show! Get your tickets now and find out what other cities Glenn will be visiting. | |  | The #1 Investment the Ultra-Rich are Betting On Shocking presentation reveals how to protect your money in coming economic collapse. Click here. Featured Sponsor | | | Latest attack on Catholics: J.P. Morgan closes Vatican bank account The Obama administration has not backed down in its attack on the Catholic Church, and now they find themselves on the receiving end of the big banks. Why would J.P. Morgan want to shut down a bank account held by the Vatican? Is there more to the story? Glenn reacts to the latest eyebrow raising story surrounding the Catholic Church. Calls for 'civic insurrection' in France: On GBTV last night, Glenn discussed the rising issues in France, including violent anti-Semitic attacks and growing talk of "civic insurrection". How does it relate to calls for global communism? Glenn explains and issues a warning. Support a family business built from a sewing machine and a dream: In 1980, the Boud family transformed a basement and a sewing machine into a thriving family business with big goals. Today, Uphill manufactures supplies the finest gear for the adventurer in us all. Markdown is offering a blanket perfect for picnics, sports games or to keep in your car just in case. Head to Markdown for the full story and save. | | | | | |
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