Monday, March 19, 2012

Eric Holder: let's 'brainwash' children

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March 19, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: The Obama administration claims the President does not have any control on gas prices whatsoever. Don't miss Glenn show everything the President has touched that has sent gas prices soaring - tonight at 5pm ET (or on demand). Glenn previews tonigt's show.

Real News: While the mainstream media talks about Romney's big win in Puerto Rico over the weekend, Real News focuses on another possible scandal in the DOJ. PLUS, Al Qaeda is now claiming responsibility for the shooting of a 29 year old American English teacher, working in Yemen, as a response to "the campaign of Christian proselytizing that the West has launched against Muslims." Don't miss tonight's show - Live at 6pm ET (or on demand).

KONY filmmaker goes on bizarre, public naked rampage
In a truly bizarre moment, director Jason Russell (who made the viral KONY video), got butt naked and hit the streets of San Diego. He did so in broad daylight and at a busy intersection in front of several people willing to whip out their iPhones and film. The worst part of the story, however, is the excuse his spouse gave for the wild episode. Find out what it is here.

Media asking all the wrong questions: Now it's Romney's dog story
For weeks the media has relentlessly repeated the contraception story - they invented it and attack GOP candidates for constantly talking about it. Now the media is pressing Santorum to talk about Romney's traveling dog story from the 1980s. The question is bad enough - Santorum's attempt to turn it into political points was also irritating. Glenn has the story.

The B.S. of A. reality show? WATCH

Eric Holder is a creepy dude
Video has surfaced from the archives of Eric Holder talking about how he's told school boards that they should 'brainwash' kids into believing guns are bad. The video is from 1995 and is quite disturbing, not just from a 2nd Amendment standpoint - but even more so that he views American children as little programmable robots. Glenn has the story on radio.

Elle Macpherson: Of course I love Obama - I'm socialist!
Just when you thought it was impossible to tarnish the impeccable beauty that is Elle Macpherson, she goes and happily admits she's a socialist. Funny thing is how casually she answered this question - as if it were ridiculous to think Obama was anything but delightful to a socialist. Glenn reacts to Elle's comments.

Stunning warning from former citizen of Communism
Glenn played the stunning audio from a woman who is warning that America is heading down the same path she once saw many many years ago living under communism. Warning signs like government takeovers of healthcare, large sections of the auto industry, the banks, etc have her worried America is about to slip into a system that never works.

Support a family business built from a sewing machine and a dream: In 1980, the Boud family transformed a basement and a sewing machine into a thriving family business with big goals. Today, Uphill manufactures supplies the finest gear for the adventurer in us all. Markdown is offering a blanket perfect for picnics, sports games or to keep in your car – just in case. Head to Markdown for the full story and save.

DE-CLASSIFIED: The Crystal Ball of The Ultra Rich? - Austin man sneaks into secret millionaire meetings and discovers 19 "black box" investment strategies. (One creates $100K/Month tax-free retirement fund)! Shocking online presentation reveals everything…WATCH NOW.

Glenn's hitting the road this weekend! Glenn will be in Tampa and Raleigh this weekend with his new comedy show! Get your tickets now and find out what other stops he will be making.

Stu tells of harrowing childhood near death experience in 1988 - STORY.

Slashed safety net? Not so much says ...Nancy Pelosi's daughter?
You wouldn't expect Nancy Pelosi's daughter to be the one to expose welfare fraud - most of the people on the left are more than pleased with a nation of dependents. The Emmy nominated documentary filmmaker doesn't seem afraid of criticism from her own side and took some pretty shocking footage of people hanging outside the welfare offices in NYC talking about how they can work, but would rather get a free check. Glenn has audio and reaction.

GBTV Next Generation Internship: We are looking for forward, out of the box thinkers to intern for GBTV. If you like what you see on network TV, this internship is NOT for you. But, if you want to be a part of the creative destruction of TV as you know it (and not the kind the left accuses Glenn of) we want to hear from you. Get all the details on the internship HERE.
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