Tonight on GBTV: Meet the 13-year-old who dared question the public school system and is now on the receiving end of a system that wants to keep her quiet. Don't miss it tonight at 5pm (or
on demand) only on
Real News: New satellite images appear to show Iran hiding nuclear activity at a military complex near Tehran, released just days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington. Will this affect the understanding the United States and Israel came to this week regarding military action against Iran?
The Real News from The Blaze will look at that and more, tonight at 7pm ET (or
on demand) - Only on
The most Biblically hostile President of all time?
Glenn read quite a stunning piece on radio today that demonstrated which President was the most hostile towards the Bible. In just one term this President racked up policies, supported more bills and said more things at odds with the Bible than any other.
Who is it?
Debunking Jim Wallis in 60 seconds
The old record was 65 seconds, so Glenn looked to establish a new mark on radio today in response to the latest Wallis myth that American exceptionalism is a myth. Could Glenn shred Wallis and his anti-American stance in less than a minute?
Find out on radio today. You've probably read #Kony 2012 today...
If you have any exposure to any form of social media you've likely seen something about #Kony floating around. Here's the deal: a group called Invisible Children has created a viral video hoping to inspire people to act and put an end to the use of child soldiers in Joseph Kony's LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) in Central Africa.
Glenn's take on it HERE.
Let down or legit? The Obama college tapes released
Last night and Buzzfeed raced to be the first to release the Barack Obama college tapes and it's led to some pretty heated discussions in the media today. Are they as damming as some conservatives are arguing? Or are they nothing new, like the left argued today.
Check out the video.
Obama's big government has failed: here's a free market solution
He said what?!? Panetta & international permission
Sovereignty, schmovereignty! Defense Secretary Leon Panetta showed just how ridiculous the foreign policy of this administration is. He admitted he will seek international permission before congressional approval on matters of foreign military affairs. Fits right in with Barack's lean-forward foreign policy.
Glenn has the audio and reaction on radio today.
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