Friday, March 30, 2012

MSNBC admits: Glenn was right

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March 30, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Join Glenn tonight for a look behind the scenes at "Monumental," Kirk Cameron's new documentary. You'll get an exclusive look at Glenn and Kirk's interview that took place live right before the premiere of the movie. Don't miss it - live at 5pm ET or on demand.

Real News: While the MSM focuses on the odds of winning mega millions (while simultaneously playing class warfare) Real News will bring you news that really matters. The Muslim Brotherhood's political arm, the "Freedom and Justice Party," is coming to America to speak at Georgetown University on Muslim/Christian relations…Real News from The Blaze will discuss that and much more tonight at 6pm ET or on demand.

MSNBC admits: Glenn Beck was right
MSNBC's coma inducing program 'Morning Joe' has a long history of mocking Glenn -- calling him crazy, a fear monger, etc etc. But today they were singing a different tune when an 'expert' appeared on their program to inform them about good investments. At the top of the list: Gold. That led to the shocking admission that yep, Glenn Beck was right. See for yourself & get Glenn's reaction.

Need a Laugh? The B.S. of A. mocks airport screenings in hilarious rendition of 'Security Theater' - WATCH.

Spike Lee pays up: settles with elderly couple he put in danger
Spike Lee probably never predicted joining Twitter would cost him potentially millions of dollars. He recklessly tweeted the wrong address of George Zimmerman, leading to an elderly couple's lives being put in harm's way. The couple lawyered up & a settlement was reached.

When the worst happens, how prepared will you be? Markdown is offering an emergency seed bank deal including 38,000 seeds in over 30 varieties. Be prepared for the worst while tasting the best Mother Nature has to offer at

Is Obama a gambling addict?
With the Mega Millions jackpot reaching record levels ($640 million at last count) and the First Lady off to Vegas, suddenly the realization hit Glenn, Stu & Pat that the President may very well be a gambler. Obama scolded Big Oil and suggested we 'double down' (gambling lingo) on green energy. Glenn has audio & response on radio today.

ESPN yanks ad: cites 'religious' overtones, despite nothing religious in ad
In a bizarre story, NASCAR driver Blake Koch (pronounced 'cook') was trying to run an advertisement encouraging NASCAR fans to register to vote—that's all. So, why was the ad denied? Obviously because of 'political and religious overtones' in the ad and on Blake's website—we can't have public figures letting the public know it's okay to have faith and be conservative, duh. Check out the ad and Glenn's response on radio today. Does ESPN have some explaining to do?

Caller makes a great point: Glenn looking 'puffy'
It's not every day that a caller steals the show with the best point of the day, but it happened today. The truth has no agenda on GBTV—a statement that has never been more true than when this caller confronted Glenn with allegations of weight gain and a "puffy" appearance. So, what was Glenn's "big" excuse?

Obama Cover-Up: "Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket"
Find out how deep the conspiracy goes at the 2-minute mark of this video. Click Here
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TODAY is the LAST DAY to pre-register for Restoring Love! Join Glenn this summer in Dallas as we shift the direction of our country with a movement of charity and love. If you want to be among the first to have access to buy tickets for the event at Cowboys Stadium (tickets are only $10!) make sure you pre-register today. Although pre-registering does not guarantee you a ticket to the stadium event it does give you first access to purchase those tickets when they go on sale in April.

Most disturbing YouTube beat down yet?
Have we always been this nuts as a society, or is technology just making us more aware of our pre-existing craziness? Yet another beat down has been posted to YouTube, complete with people more concerned about videotaping the brawl than stopping it. Some even shouted out tips - 'use the elbow!' while others cheered. Glenn reacts to the disturbing video on radio today.
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