Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why should Obama listen to Jimmy Carter's advice?

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January 04, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: A prominent British historian agrees with...Glenn? Amazingly the media prints the exact same warnings they mocked Glenn for giving over the last few years only on GBTV - live at 5pm ET. PLUS - What is the American Dreams Lab? Glenn's monologue from last night explained why he's moved to a studio bigger than The Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live, and later Glenn even took us on a personal tour.

Santorum's near Iowa victory inspires caller to speak up

The Iowa Caucus is simultaneously very chaotic and very cool. Citizens from all walks of life in each county gather and present the case for each candidate and then they vote. One caller on Glenn's radio show today explained what happened in his Iowa precinct when he confronted a Romney supporter whose speech went on and on and ON and on -- PLUS what happened when it came time for someone to speak for Santorum. Would this caller have the courage to speak up? Find out HERE.

Angry Newt: ticked off after Iowa humiliation

Iowa wasn't sunshine and lollipops for every candidate, just ask Newt Gingrich. The former frontrunner in the polls just a few short weeks ago, Gingrich has had a fairly spectacular fall from grace which can be traced back to his revealing interview with Glenn where he embraced progressive policies rather than shunning them. But the former Speaker's speech was Howard Dean scream-esque bizarre because he was just so angry. If anger could cause fireballs to shoot out of human eyes, Newt would have been bringing the heat. Glenn has more on Newt's reaction including why he targeted Romney and played nice with Santorum HERE.

Bachmann OUT, Perry still in it

After poor performances by both Congresswoman Bachmann and Governor Perry most analysts predicted it was time for both of them to drop out of the race. Bachmann did just that today at a press conference - Rick Perry? Different story. Governor Perry surprised many - including allegedly his own staff - by Tweeting today that he's heading to South Carolina to fight on. He cited the fact that he's 'not a quitter' for continuing. Was that the only reason? Glenn has more on radio today. WATCH

Obama lies 4 times in 1 commercial. The latest Stu Blog has the story READ

Shocking reversal? Obama administration engages Muslim Brotherhood
The Muslim Brotherhood had been banned in Egypt for decades because of their ties to terrorist organizations and their extremist views. That's not stopping the Obama administration from cuddling up to the radical group. As reports today suggested, they have been making diplomatic 'overatures' to the group. This is a shocking reversal from past United States foreign policy, but exactly what the Obama administration promised they would do with the group they labeled a 'secular' organization. Chatting with the terrorists - there's one Obama promise kept! More HERE.

Isolated Indoctrination? Third graders sing a song supporting Occupy Wall Street

Some parents of Virginia elementary students are rightfully angry today after it was revealed that their kids were forced to take part in an assignment to create a song. The problem? It was a class warfare song and the lyrics sounded eerily similar to all of the slogans chanted by Occupy Wall Street protesters. The school says it was the students who came up with it. Ohhhh, is that how it works? If the students come up with it then there's NOTHING you can do about it? Hmmm, what would have happened if they had come up with a song about (gasp) Jesus! MORE.

Jimmy Carter gives Barack Obama reelection advice! (PLEASE TAKE IT)

Here's some advice we'd LOVE Barack Obama to take - Jimmy Carter on how to get re-elected! Come to think of it - maybe Carter has been advising Obama all along. Energy prices are skyrocketing, the economy sucks, tens of millions of people are out of work and there's no hope in sight of anything getting any better. Sounds a lot like the work of President Carter! More on the story from radio today. WATCH

Would you pick up Ron Paul at a bar? Find out HERE.
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