| January 23, 2012 | | On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: How will the Wizard of Oz help you understand what our economy faces today? Find out tonight and get Glenn's preview of the State of the Union speech live at 5pm ET only on GBTV!
Tonight on "Real News": Join Amy Holmes, Will Cain, Buck Sexton, SE Cupp, and Washington Times political reporter, Kerry Picket, as they analyze the news of the day on "Real News from The Blaze" live at 7pm ET on GBTV. Newt Gingrich's big primary win in South Carolina and what it means moving forwardplus the big miss from the mainstream mediathe results of Egypt's election.
Best Day in Bill Kristol's life? First a big fat progressive (meaning big progressive, not personal body weight - although that would be accurate in this case) wins the GOP primary in South Carolina. Then, as if it couldn't get any better - Radical Islamists win 75% of the seats in Egypt's first elections, giving them the chance to re-write the constitution. What was that Bill Kristol was saying about the peaceful, democratic revolution? Glenn's reaction on radio today.
Glenn endorses Newt Gingrich Congratulations South Carolina on making such a GREAT choice in Saturday's primary and voting for Newt Gingrich! After all, this is the state that brought us John McCain and Lindsey Graham, so it has to be the right choice for conservatives. Who cares if he's disliked by 60% of national voters--so was healthcare and that still got through! Newt 2012 America's best worst choice to beat Obama! Get Glenn's reaction from radio this morning.
 Gingrich fan calls Glenn an adulterer An apparent Gingrich fan called up the radio program today in an apparent attempt to one-up the crazy factor of the Ron Paul fanatics out there. She called in to defend Newt and used the interesting strategy of calling Glenn an adulterer, saying he doesn't have any idea what redemption means. Take a listen to the bizarre caller.
Too fat to know what's right: Chris Christie calls Gingrich an embarrassment DETAILS.
Jesus > Religion Friday on GBTV, Scott Baker interviewed 22-year-old Jefferson Bethke, the young man behind the viral video "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus." The video has had over 16 million views on YouTube causing a lot of discussion among both Christians and non-believers, and of course, the media. It seems that everyone has a strong opinion on Bethke's message. WATCH
Newt: Glenn Beck is full of bologna In a recent interview on AM Tampa Bay with Jack Harris and Tedd Webb, Newt Gingrich was asked about why he supports notoriously progressive Presidents, as Glenn Beck has pointed out. Newt's response: Glenn Beck is full of bologna. Only problem is it wasn't Glenn who said Newt loves progressive Presidents - Newt did. Watch Newt take down Newt.
Stuff Liberals Say: In case you missed it, there has been a trend going around the internet with funny videos pointing out all the ridiculous and stereotypical things a certain group of people say. Here's one of the latest - Stuff Liberals Say. Take a break from worrying about the future of the country and enjoy! | | Shocking Report: 91% Americans unprepared to survive disasters FEMA is broke and first responders are overwhelmed by the surge in natural disasters. Now you face 23 likely risks to your survival from disasters, terror attacks and unrest. You MUST prepare to survive. FREE Report reveals a simple, proven and affordable plan. Sponsor Message | | |
Stop wasting money on bottled water: Markdown.com has a great (40% off) deal on 2 Berkey Sport Water Bottles! With the Berkey Portable Water Purifier, you're getting a powerful filtration system in the palm of your hand. Taste the fresh, pure taste from Berkey! Markdown.com for details.
Are you ready to take on this challenge? In order to save our country we must first fix ourselves. And who better to model ourselves after than America's indispensable man, George Washington known for his honesty, courage and honor, not because it came easy to him, but because he worked hard to be a better man every single day. Glenn has issued the same challenge to the audience that he will be working on this year-- to become a better person every single day. What's your first challenge? Find out here. Plus check out the official "Being George Washington" journal and t-shirt HERE.
Coming this Wednesday on GBTV: The government now has the ability to monitor almost every aspect of a citizen's life. There is very little that they cannot find out about you. "Total Surveillance" is real, and it's happening. How can you protect yourself? You don't want to miss Wednesday's show - live at 5pm ET on GBTV. Plus an all new episode of Independence USA. What if there was no electricity? Don't miss GBTV's all new reality show this Wednesday at 8pm ET on GBTV. | | | | | |
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