| January 18, 2012 | | On Today's Program TONIGHT on GBTV: PREMIERE NIGHT! Bad news for the left: GBTV is expanding! Join Glenn beginning at 5pm ET TONIGHT on GBTV for Premiere Night! After Glenn's show, we will debut TWO new shows - Independence USA and Real News From The Blaze followed by the season premiere of The B.S. of A.! GBTV is built around youjoin the conversation and let us know what you think by tweeting to @GBTV (we may even share your tweet LIVE on tonight's show). What can you expect tonight? WATCH.
GBTV's first Reality Show: This morning Independence USA's 'Man with THE plan,' Frank Belcastro, joined Glenn on the radio program. Frank gave listeners a little preview of what we'll see on the premiere of Independence USA tonight, and why he's going so far to prepare his family for life off the grid. WATCH
What the heck is SOPA and PIPA? Unfortunately this PIPA is not Kate Middleton's sister, rather it's just another tedious action being taken by Congress. Many major websites like Wikipedia, reddit, Mozilla, and others are going dark today in an effort to raise awareness of SOPA and PIPA, two bills that aim to increase regulation of the internet. This may be the one time in history Glenn actually agrees with Marxist news outlet, Free Press. The internet is one of the only things in our society that works, and by far the freest market on Earth ...so, of course the government is going to do what they can to wreck it through regulations. Glenn's take? "When in doubt, leave it out." Glenn explains HERE!
 Santorum: "The numbers are changing. That's all I can say." Did Santorum pull off a victory over Romney and Ron Paul in that all-important Iowa vote? It certainly sounded like things in The Hawkeye State aren't as settled as everyone would have you believe. Could this be a game changer in the race for the White House? He revealed what is going on behind-the-scenes as well as his differences with Ron Paul over the Constitution. How does Santorum think he'll do heading into South Carolina? Should he listen to Newt and drop out? Get the full story HERE.
Adam Carolla dismisses "trophy monsters" on GBTV Fresh off his epic destruction of the Occupy Wall Street crowd, Adam Carolla sat down and spent a few minutes talking to Glenn on GBTV. Like Glenn, Carolla has also decided to go it alone and has started creating his own media production company. Adam and Glenn talk about the ridiculousness of the current media system, why kids shouldn't get trophies, and the turning point in his life -- when he told his mom to 'get a job' instead of collecting welfare. Her response changed his life forever. Watch the great conversation HERE.
MSNBC stands up for Obama Don't worry loyal cable news viewers! MSNBC will not let the President be slandered by those evil conservatives - they are going to send Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell to the rescue (yay?). Check out this incredibly valiant attempt to do what no anchor should be forced to do: defend the Obama administration. They tried to blame the amount of money being spent on food stamps and entitlements on a population growth (really?) and a Congress (reaaaaaallllllyyyyyy?) that up until two years ago was controlled by Democrats. Wow. And hey, Chris Matthews made sure to throw in a Conservatives-are-racist remark with his use of "code language". Get more HERE! | | Shocking Report: 91% Americans unprepared to survive disasters FEMA is broke and first responders are overwhelmed by the surge in natural disasters. Now you face 23 likely risks to your survival from disasters, terror attacks and unrest. You MUST prepare to survive. FREE Report reveals a simple, proven and affordable plan. Sponsor Message | | | Newsweek goes to "TrigTruther" for election coverage In a (not so) shocking move, Newsweek has decided to ridicule the right in an effort to appeal to the uber-left. Really bold... If you don't like Obama, you must be stupid! No other media outlets have ever taken this stance before. At least they relied on a credible source to write an article that asks the question, "Why Are Obama Critics So Dumb?" The guy who says Trigg is not Sarah Palin's son. WATCH Glenn's reaction from radio.
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