Friday, January 13, 2012

Glenn blasts WaPo's Tebow hit piece

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January 13, 2012
On Today's Program

Premiere Night - 2 new shows coming to GBTV!
This Wednesday on January 18th, tune in for the premiere of an entire block of primetime original programming on Glenn's network - GBTV. GBTV is getting bigger and better with the series premiere of the new weekly reality show "Independence U.S.A." and a new daily news series, "Real News from The Blaze." What can you expect to see Wednesday on Premiere Night? Check out the PREVIEW VIDEO and get the full rundown here.

WaPo: If Tebow were Muslim he would be hated
The Washington Post asked the question, "Tim Tebow: would we love him if he were Muslim?" making the assumption that there is no one out there who is irritated at the Tim Tebow craze. But the article only got more ridiculous from there, positing the theory that if Tebow were Muslim he'd be hated because after all, look what happened to former NBA star Chris Jackson! Why is Jackson the worst example ever? Find out HERE.

New anti-Romney ad reveals shocking allegations
As Mitt Romney's lead grows over the rest of the GOP field, so does the desperation from the other candidates. No one is more desperate than Newt Gingrich, who has unleashed a series of truly remarkable attacks on Mitt Romney. Are they hitting him on flip flops? Romneycare? Nope - instead they are focusing on his 'vulture capitalism', his ability to speak a foreign language & the oh-so important 1983 family vacation to Canada. Reaction on radio today

Meghan McCain: I'm just like Ronald Reagan
Somehow Meghan McCain was invited to appear on the Jay Leno program despite the fact she's accomplished virtually nothing in her life other than being the daughter of Senator John McCain. The interview served only as more evidence that the totally awesome Meghan McCain shouldn't have even the smallest emoticon of a platform to pretend she's a conservative. She capped the interview with the shocking insinuation that she is just like Ronald Reagan. Yeah, totally ridic. Reaction on radio today.

VA school district caught lying about indoctrination song
Remember the recent story about the parents at an elementary school in Virginia who were furious that their students were made to sing a ridiculous song about the 99% and Occupy Wall Street? And remember how the school district responded to complaints from the parents by laughably arguing the kids came up with the lyrics all on their own? Turns out the school was lying their faces off about it and the song was indeed mostly influenced by instructors. Full story at The Blaze.

Obama: "Electricity Rates To Skyrocket" 

Discover how a 47-year-old patriot discovered a "weird" trick that instantly slashes your electric bill and frees you from the corrupt government's energy choke-hold. Click Here For More.

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Mitt Romney's character exposed!
Aside from the ridiculous Bain Capital attacks on Mitt Romney recently, there is another weak attack being waged on Romney's character. This time a new book attacks Romney from being so evil, so heartless, so violent that he had the unmitigated nerve to advise a pregnant teen to give the baby up for adoption. What a radical concept! Glenn reacts on radio today.

Shocker: EU nations about to be downgraded
France TV is reporting that France has lost its AAA credit rating and several other news outlets are reporting that others will soon follow. Well, that didn't take long, did it? The European Union began using the Euro in 1999 and just over a decade later it's managed to completely destroy the entire region's economy. Bravo! Get the latest on the coming collapse of the EU.
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