Friday, January 6, 2012

Glenn's take on gay marriage

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January 06, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Less than 2 weeks away from the premiere of GBTV's first reality show  Independence, USA! Meet the family and watch the preview trailer. Tune into the Glenn Beck Program tonight live at 5pm. Plus don't miss a great week of shows planned for next week only on GBTV.

Fudged #'s? Unemployment hits 8.5% 
The latest unemployment numbers have come in and once again there's a slight drop in the unemployment rate. And once again the main reason for this drop is because people are allegedly leaving the workforce, not exactly the best sign. But is the real unemployment rate 8.5% or is there some fudging of the numbers going on? has more.

Glenn's take on gay marriage
Glenn has the audio of Rick Santorum being called a bigot for his views on marriage - and it's just not a fair fight as Santorum verbally destroys the hapless student. So who's the real bigot? People who think like Santorum or gay marriage proponents? Watch Glenn's explanation that will surely infuriate every social liberal who hears it.

The tale of two Ron Paul supporters
Glenn did something a little rare today - he took several calls from Ron Paul supporters. The reason it's rare? Because many of the more vocal Ron Paul supporters are so arrogant and unwilling to entertain anything other than what 'Dr' Paul proposes. Even his exceptionally sophomoric foreign policy. First up - something as rare as a giant panda bear: a rational Ron Paul caller. Check out the surprisingly delightful conversation from radio today.

The typical Ron Paul caller
It didn't take long for the more typical Ron Paul fanatic to surface on the phone lines. First the caller accuses Glenn of being bought and paid for by the Israeli lobby (which, interestingly was a conspiracy theory featured prominently in the racist Ron Paul Newsletters from the 90's). After that failure he went on to an even bigger one. What started as a defense of Ron Paul's foreign policy ended up being a declaration that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & Osama bin Laden were 'not crazy' in any way shape or form. If you are a glutton for punishment - listen to the call.

Oh, great: Panetta announces troop reductions
Radical Islam is on the rise in the Middle East and Israel is more threatened now than ever as Iran is cobbling together a coalition against them. The global economy is on the verge of complete meltdown, Europe is on fire, and China is on the rise as a world power. What better time than now to drastically reduce the size and strength of our military? Glenn has more on radio today.

Remembering Michele Bachmann: After the Iowa Caucus this week Michele Bachmann decided to drop out of the race to become the GOP's candidate for the 2012 presidential election. The B.S. of A. reflects on where they were when they heard the news in this hilarious clip.

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Former ARMY solider reveals the 1 food most people think is healthy but is secretly causing blood sugar problems, unwanted weight gain and robbing you of energy. Avoid this 1 food like the plague! Click Here For More.

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The folly of Ron Paul's foreign policy
Glenn rips the main policy stance he's in contention with Ron Paul on: foreign policy. Paul is so good on so many domestic issues but then completely falls off the rails on foreign policy. He prefers to blame America for causing terrorism, as though terrorists have some sort of legitimate rationale for murdering thousands of innocent Americans and others. Glenn has more on radio today. WATCH

Awesome: 25 amazing U.S. military photos from 2011 - VIEW.
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