Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update on Glenn's back injury

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January 10, 2012
On Today's Program

Update on Glenn's back injury: Just moments before the program last night Glenn threw out his back while leaning over a table in the new studio, causing him immense pain and a trip to the hospital. Other than the back pain (herniated disc), Glenn is in good spirits but will need to rest for a day or two. He's thankful for the many prayers and can't wait to get back and cover the news as well as all that's coming up on GBTV.

GBTV Announces New Programming: Next Wednesday on January 18th, tune in for the premiere of an entire block of primetime original programming on Glenn's network GBTV. GBTV is getting bigger and better with the series premiere of the new weekly reality show "Independence U.S.A." and a new daily news series, "The Real News from The Blaze." What can you expect next Wednesday on Premiere Night? Click here for the full schedule.

Phony Mitt Romney controversy over 'I like to fire people'
It's New Hampshire primary day - the first primary of the 2012 election season after Gingrich, Perry and Huntsman have all ditched any remaining conservative principles in favor of Occupy Wall Street class warfare talking points. These attacks are inexcusable and just plain wrong. Check out the audio and reaction from radio today.

Santorum defends Romney; supports capitalism
The only candidate so far to come out and defend Mitt Romney from the anti-capitalist attacks is Rick Santorum. You'd think more than one candidate would set aside liberal talking points and argue against Mitt's actual problems such as RomneyCare and tendencies towards big government spending. Santorum refuses to take the low hanging fruit and stays above the fray. Check out his response and more.

Meet the new Halliburton: Bain Capital
Now that the GOP candidates have adopted leftist anti-capitalist talking points on Bain Capital, the company is quickly becoming the new Halliburton. A company that has done nothing wrong yet is completely vilified merely for being a company that attempts to earn a profit. The Democrats have trotted out a sob story in 57-year-old Randy Johnson - how did Bain Capital and Mitt Romney ruin his life? Prepare to be underwhelmed. WATCH

Like, totally: Obama deserves 'small emoticon of privacy'
Did MSNBC hire Meghan McCain as a joke to slander all Republicans in America? She has an extremely difficult time not sounding totally like a teenager at the shopping mall. She was talking recently about a new book coming out on the Obama family and gave a spirited (and totally rad) defense by declaring they deserve a 'small emoticon' of privacy. Stu & Pat play the audio and ruthlessly respond on radio today smiley Watch it HERE.

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POLL: Iran with Nukes? 2nd economic depression? Terror attacks? Americans top fear in 2012: Obama getting reelected.
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