Monday, January 16, 2012

Glenn reacts to Marine 'scandal'

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January 16, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Beck's back is back (and so is Beck)! Glenn has the shocking evidence that Italy is once again heading towards fascism and covers the big stories that happened over the weekend - Don't miss Glenn's return tonight at 5pm only on GBTV!

Just 2 days from PREMIERE NIGHT on GBTV! Glenn unveils two brand new programs and more THIS WEDNESDAY on GBTV! Check out the preview video and get the full schedule.

Atheist kid offended over prayer
Glenn plays the audio of a young student offended by a prayer displayed at her school because she 'doesn't believe' in the 'Heavenly Father,' and displaying the prayer amounts to an endorsement of Christianity from the school. However, she has no problem enforcing her beliefs (atheism) on others. Perhaps she should just man up and deal? Glenn reacts on radio today.

God wrecked @ Golden Globes
It really shouldn't come as a shock that Hollywood would have a grand old time arrogantly mocking God while lifting themselves up as their own god. Starting with the host, a professed atheist, who wasted little time in breaking out the God jokes and it wasn't long after that before the actors got involved. Glenn has the offending comments and reacts on radio today. WATCH

Why are Tim Tebow's prayers controversial? Check out the latest Stu Blog

Glenn reacts to Marines who urinated on dead Taliban
While it's really difficult to feel badly for dead Taliban terrorists, what a small group of Marines did to a handful of dead Taliban and videotaped it, is causing quite the controversy. What'd they do to infuriate terrorist sympathizing progressives everywhere? One word: tinklegate. Get the full story plus Glenn's surprising reaction and his interview with David Barton on the subject HERE.

Attention TEACHERS! Want a book your students will actually read?
Here's a special challenge to all the wonderful teachers in the Glenn Beck viewing/listening audience: The Michael Vey Challenge. When was the last time you've seen your entire class read a book that they all truly enjoy and cannot stop talking about? If your kids are like most every kid on the planet the answer is never. That's about to change - check out the incredible response these teachers who used Michel Vey in the classroom received from their students.

This Cancer Cure Video Circled the Globe in 31 Minutes 
 If you know anyone who's suffering from cancer, you *must* watch this 5-minute video. This is the video that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to watch. Send the link to everyone who has cancer. Watch the video now here.

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PBS is SOOOO totally fair & balanced
PBS host Bill Moyers had some interesting comments recently which sounded eerily like he was a mouthpiece for George Soros. Even more interesting, Moyers revealed intimate details of Soros' life, explaining the billionaire was losing sleep over what his critics were saying and that he felt 'victimized' over it. A billionaire who collapses countries for a living is playing the victim card? Really? MORE
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