| January 19, 2012 | | On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: Why does Glenn have Barbie Dolls on set tonight? This is one show opening segment you do NOT want to miss. Also, Glenn talks more about the threat of economic terrorism and what you can do to be ready for the inevitable. It's all tonight on GBTV!
What'd you miss on Premiere Night? 2 new shows: Independence USA & Real News from The Blaze PLUS The B.S. of A. launched its 2nd season in style with Sharia Law & Order -- get a full recap on last night's programming and sign up for GBTV now!
Glenn tears apart PIPA & SOPA on GBTV last night Unfortunately the PIPA that has been all over the news lately is not Kate Middleton's sister, rather it's another tedious action being taken by Congress. SOPA and PIPA are two bills that aim to increase regulation of the internet. If a bill going through Congress has Glenn agreeing with Marxist news outlet Free Press - you know it's bad! Watch Glenn's analysis of what these bills are and why we need to stop them. Glenn's interview with '24', 'Homeland' producer You probably know him best as the co-creator of the TV show "24" but he also just won a Golden Globe for best TV drama "Homeland" - his name is Howard Gordon and he was on radio today with Glenn. How is he able to enjoy such success in Hollywood given his political opinion? Simple yet often overlooked advice: "one of the secrets of a good anything is to not make it propaganda, just make it good." Gordon is working on an upcoming series for GBTV -- would he give Glenn any details on the series? Check out the interview HERE.
 Caller: Glenn is drinking the Romney Kool-Aid This was bound to happen, but we thought it'd take a little longer for the wack jobs to surface and declare that Glenn Beck was drinking the Romney Kool-Aid. Glenn has been pretty critical of Romney's inconsistent conservative creds during this campaign season and he has made no bones that Romney is his number 1 choice. So why would this caller think Glenn is drinking the Kool-Aid? Because they're from the same religion, of course. Check out Glenn's response.
Newt Gingrich wanted an open marriage?!? Newt's ex-wife (there are so many) has made some shocking claims about her husband's actions while they were married. Rumors are swirling that he wanted an "open marriage" while married to his second wife. It defies logic and the clear physical evidence that more than one woman would even be remotely interested in hopping aboard the Newt express -- but apparently that's the case. Nothing will hurt Newt more than voters thinking about him working the fat conservative hook-up scene. Ewwwww. Glenn reacts on radio today.
Really, Rick? Perry drops out, endorses Gingrich: If you are a conservative, this will make you question everything you thought you knew about Rick Perry. DETAILS.
Get Prepared with food, water and fire from Freeze Dry Guy! If the world should crumble around you, make sure you have the supplies you need to survive. Markdown.com has an emergency preparedness deal from Freeze Dry Guy that will provide you with 15 days of food, clean water and the means to make a fire. Don't let yourself get caught in a chaotic situation without the supplies you need. Visit Markdown.com for details. | | | | The Real "Che" Mercedes Benz made a bizarre decision to feature mass murderer Che Guevara in a series of commercials for their luxury cars. Nothing screams luxury like a violent Marxist revolutionary who executed countless people in cold blood, right? Since Hollywood actually thinks Che is cool and some sort of freedom fighter, "Real News from The Blaze" decided to set the record straight on Che. Check it out on GBTV HERE and tune in to "Real News from The Blaze" every night at 7pm ET on GBTV!
Being George Washington Challenge If you've read Glenn's book on Washington you probably understand just how hard it is to be that kind of man. The traits he is known forhonesty, courage and honordid not come naturally to him, he worked hard at them every day. It's often said that it takes 30 days to form a habit. We're going to put that to the test. Each month for the next year Glenn will challenge himself and his audience to become better citizens and human beings one small step at a time. The first challenge for the month of January? Diligence. Diligence means "persevering application"and what better to start a new year out with than that? Get the details on your first challenge.
Write down everything: Glenn is encouraging everyone to keep a running journal of their experiences with this challenge. Write down everything - and review it often. Check out the official journal of this challenge - Embossed with an image of Washington's compass on the cover, you can use this tool to record your achievements, struggles and daily reflections on your path towards becoming George Washington. | | | | | |
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