On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV! Glenn unveils the new GBTV studios in Dallas, Texas and what he's dubbed the 'Mercury Dream Labs.' Why he's calling it that and what's in store for 2012 tonight on GBTV!
Glenn is back! Interviews contenders on Caucus Day
Glenn is back and begins 2012 broadcasting live from Dallas, Texas interviewing 3 of the top candidates seeking the Presidential nomination for the GOP. He started right out of the shoot with Texas Governor Rick Perry, who after a series of tough mishaps is still in there and still battling. Glenn catches up with the Governor and talks with him about the race and one incident where Perry just schools a reporter trying a gotchya question. Check out Glenn's interview with Perry HERE.
Glenn interviews Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
Congresswoman Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll but has been struggling to keep up with the pack in recent weeks. Will she be able to pull off a high finish or even a win? Sarah Palin doesn't think so and said 'it's not her time' recently. Bachmann responded to those comments from Palin on radio today with Glenn, and the pair talked about much more including her view on the latest with the race HERE.
Glenn interviews Santorum
It's been an exciting few days for former Senator Rick Santorum as he made a late surge in the polls just before the Iowa Caucus taking place today. How'd he do it? Does he think he has a chance to pull it off? Glenn also asks Santorum about Gov. Perry's charge on earmarks and other complaints from conservatives such as why did Santorum support Arlen Specter? Check out the full interview HERE.
Alan Colmes takes "cheap shot" at Rick Santorum
Alan Colmes hit Rick Santorum with a pretty low blow recently as he questioned his handling of the death of his infant baby, calling his decision to let his other young children see the baby 'weird' among other things. Some things are just out of bounds, and knocking someone over how they mourned the loss of a child is about as low as they come. Get the full story at The Blaze.
 Ron Paul has some splainin' to do...
He's sick of answering the question about his racist newsletters from the 80s and 90s but the fact of the matter is the issue will not be going away anytime soon. The reason: Paul's inconsistent and inexplicable responses to the controversy over the years. When it first came to light in 1996 he actually defended many of the racist statements, but later in 2001 said he didn't write them and had never read them. Ron Paul supporters may be giving their candidate a pass, but shouldn't they be giving him a closer look after some pretty controversial statements were made in his own newsletter? As Glenn pointed out on radio - If you can't run a newsletter, you shouldn't be given the keys to the United States of America. Glenn analyzes the controversy and questions Paul's managerial skills HERE.
Choices: Glenn helps caller discern between Bachmann, Santorum & Paul
For starters, which of these candidates did NOT propose a panel to slash the military by $1 trillion that was comprised mostly of bought and paid for George Soros globalist henchmen? The answer may surprise you, but needless to say the revelation that this candidate would either be this ignorant or this wrong was quite a shocker. Glenn gave the answer on radio today - DETAILS.
Obama use extra power granted in NDAA? Nooooooooo
Fellow Americans - no need to worry! Barack Obama promises that he's not going to abuse the provisions in the new National Defense Authorization Act that allow him to indefinitely detain American citizens without trial. Obama never breaks a promise (unless it's about being the most transparent administration in history) but there's no reason to believe that a lack of transparency and the ability to detain US citizens without trial could possibly be related to one another. Right? WATCH
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